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GUYS! Im finished all commission!! 1703 files in 2 1/2 months this has been crazy to .. endure?? The whole commissionathon has been really fun for me. The entire point of doing all 90+ commission was to reach as many people who wanted comms from me as possible so that I can comfortably move into working on a bigger project. Ive not opened comms in many many years and always get asked im open so this clears my mind knowing that I was able to provide a commission to many, even if just a coloured sketch.

Thank you guys so much for being understanding and leniant toward me during this with how I've handled Patreon. At the start I was still working on Patreon stuff but at around commission #40 I honestly just told myself to focus on getting through the commissionathon because the patreon variants were coming out productive. I will now catch up on patreon 1000% im super motivated and excited to finish everything I've got such good ideas I think for new stuff and a comic Idea I've been refining these past months that should be like 20 pages long.

Additionally as mentioned before I've actually had a ton of anxiety over the past 2 years about doing a bigger project.. the anxiety is weird and it was about how I wouldnt be able to be available for commissions if anyone asked.. idk its a really really strange mentality I have like.. I want to be available to perform for people who ask?? and if I started a big project I want to be completely closed off to new projects during that time and I'd get really sad and frustrated thinking about entering that phase while MANY people have been waiting to get a comm from me for years and that'd essentially be like .. spitting in their face after theyve been waiting for so long and the more I delayed it the more they waited and the more I felt pressure of anticipation value increasing?? Idk how to explain it XDD

 BUT... now I've done like 80 comms for people and Ive properly given that opportunity out and I no longer have that anxiety!! After I catch up on patreon both here and Kodogasai.. I will continue patreon ofc but I will also start the bigger project I've been fleshing out which is like a ... idk how to explain it but its basically a REALLY simplified version of a stardew game but where your production output (the farming) feeds into a nsfw gameplay system.. I dont want to elaborate too much because the idea is so simple that it gives it away too fast haha but its meant to be a smaller project to introduce me to the process of developing a bigger project so I learn how to handle workflow and learn new skills toward producing that kind of content. Im actually really excited for the future which is a relief because theres been a lot recently in my life that scares me but im working on lots to create a positive flow again and this will be that! (One cool thing im 90% gonna do is im going to move into a property in the far country on the water and just work for a year on art and stuff.. IM HOPING!)

 Sorry for the rambling, ima go draw now  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU TRUST < ART COMING (also im not spell checking or grammar checking this so sorry if its the most incoherent thing, I just wrote it out on a whim rn)




C'est super 👌

Socks the Tiger

CONGRATS!!! this was a super cool project to watch (this was a big project too!) and it was lots of fun for us as well. I'm really sad to see it over! but im SUPER HYPE to hear you are feeling fresh and pumped, and your game idea sounds BOMB! this is great!!!


Yusss lots of stuff to enjoy to come but glad I got to do all this !