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heeya!!! I hope everyone is well, lately I have realized that the content has been quite simple and that basically the only thing that usually stands out on my Patreon is usually the monthly gift, in this case I came to ask if there is any activity that you would like us to do either monthly or occasionally, if you have any activity you can write it in the comments or send me a message 

---------------SKETCH RUSH------------

For my part I was thinking of an activity and I was thinking of calling it "Sketch Rush" this is nothing new, the name is just to identify the section. And what would the activity be about?  

The activity would be weekly or occasionally and basically they would be mini requests for some idea or scenario that you have in mind and I will draw them choosing the most striking ones or the ones that I can draw and then we could submit all the sketches to a vote and the winning sketch would be redrawn and clean 

I'll try to start Sketch Rush in a few days or a few weeks, but I'd also like to hear your suggestions or what you think of the activity, but anyway, that would be all from me, I'll be on the lookout for your comments, have a nice day and thanks for your attention , Byeee!!!! 



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