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I said last month that I would have episode 9 of the world tutorial series out before the beginning of April. However, I underestimated how overwhelmed I would become with schoolwork and midterms after my spring break. I think I'll have a week or two of relatively low amounts of work before finals. 

The 9th episode has been difficult for me to make and find the motivation to work on. It is one which could have gone in so many different ways and I don't know if I will ever be truly satisfied with the script. Also, due to it's nature it is recorded in many fragmented parts and may feel a bit disjointed; it feels more like an amalgamation of tips rather than a single cohesive tutorial. I'll still release it soon™ and accept it for all of its flaws.

Anyway, here's my revised roadmap for the next two (maybe three) months:

1 & 2: Release my new world "Valley Basecamp" (patrons can already view it) & episode 9

3: Release episode 10

4: Update and release Room at Sea on Booth (and free for Asset Tier patrons)

5: Release an episode 1 redux since there have been some major updates since I released the original

Tasks that I don't have a deadline for, 6 & 7 might be done by the end of June or July idk:

6: Release v2 of the day/night cycle prefab, likely accompanied by a video tutorial (will be more adaptable than the current version, able to toggle options in the inspector without having to edit the code. However I will leave room for a v3 release that will be even more adaptable and optimized. I just don't have the coding experience to make what I want from v3 yet)

7: (As much as I hate the site) make a Fiverr so it will be easier for me to take commissions (and so I won't have to work as much over the summer at a dumb boring job). They will still be cheaper if commissionees chose to do it through Discord and Cashapp. Thinking of giving a 5% discount to Asset Tier patrons.

8: Release a v3 of my bottle prefab, with wine and/or vodka bottles and (eventually) a custom liquid shader written by yours truly.

Over the past two weeks I have updated most of my old worlds to the current Unity version, fixed some things and added new features. I have also been occasionally streaming! So I have been working on stuff! School has just kept me busy!

I will also be busy over the summer with a hard class (Calculus 2 ugghhh) a dumb job (not looking forward too) and being a groomsman at my sister's wedding! So yes I will still be busy over the summer touching grass and whatnot! I don't have infinite time to make stuff!

Anyway thank you all for your patience and for supporting me thus far.


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