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Hey everyone,

I want to first apologize for the lack of new content lately. I know I mentioned previously the plan was to be posting new content soon but something has become a road block to this. This particular issue I thought would be solved three weeks ago or at least have an update so I would have a timeline of when I could come back in my full capacity to this but it turns out it's going to be a lot more complex than I thought.

I can't say exactly what this is, and it's very frustrating for me to be unable to do so as i want nothing more than to update everyone properly and in a way that keeps everyone understanding of the situation I've unfortunately been in since December. Some of you might have some idea already what this could be and others will be wondering, but without risking my career what I will say is unfortunately when NDAs are involved it's hard to really say anything without dire consequences.

Last year when this all began I was ready to commit to a process to do something new outside of my work here and it has not panned out the way I had hoped. Frankly it has been miserable to be not allowed to make content for YouTube, from tweeting on my account, from being active on any social media related to this. It is also the reason I've not been allowed to post on soundgasm and the reason I deleted my tumblr and PH accounts. I apologize to those who have been waiting for those to come back and things to be added, I have yet to receive final confirmation on what is allowed for the next few months to a year for me. I also want to say I wanted to let people know why these accounts were deleted suddenly but as you imagine it was hard to do so without risk on my end.

Anyway, for my future work. There is still a while before I am allowed to use YouTube again. The plan is, in the meantime (once I know what my next few weeks looks like) is to post any and all upcoming YouTube audios here, where they will stay until the time is right. I also plan to make one exclusive patron only audio a month. I want to take this time to thank everyone who stuck by me, it's been rough but seeing so many comments of support on YouTube, Twitter (or I guess it's X now?!) and even some brief conversations on discord with some of you, has been an absolute ray of sunlight at the end of this dark tunnel. I seriously cannot thank you enough for supporting my work and making the choice to come back a very easy one for me.

I'm working so hard to get things back to the way they were and hopefully even better in the future.

XOXO Secret


Chris Warren

I'm just thrilled to hear that you still exist. I was getting a little worried. :)


Mostly joining in the chorus here. I fully appreciate having your ability to communicate what is going on being stifled by NDA gated activity and other legal concerns. I only discovered your work a few months ago and became a supporter in June. I'm really glad you were able to at least give this bit of an update, because I will admit at several points having the thought "Okay, am I supporting a ghost creator?" From my personal end, it was still worthwhile to continue to go for a few months more just to renumerate you for the back catalog of material that you had been putting up on Youtube for quite some time. However, I can imagine plenty of similar folks in my situation who might not be in the financial situation to do so being discouraged and stepping away. In the future, if things go longer than you expect, I know I would appreciate (and I think many of your other fans who were worried about you!) just the briefest of touching base messages. Something along the lines of "I exist, there's complications still going on in my life that I can't talk about right now, but I still want to get back to this in the future....hoping it will be in X months, but I will let folks know if that number changes.". Meanwhile, this boy who is very happy with his real life relationship with his lovely Mistress who he can't be with all the time due to geography and life will continue to listen to your lovely voice as he drifts off to sleep when he is forced to be his own, letting all the warm and fuzzy and squirmy feelings go through him as he listens to you!