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Hey everyone, I am SO EXCITED because I have some incredible things coming up. I have some really amazing writers on board who have written pieces for me as well as some seriously mesmerising EH content that I've been working on heading your way. I really want to go back to my roots so I am bringing back a few brainwashing loops here and there, so get hyped for hypnosis. I also have a huge collab with a special guest coming up which just needs a final edit from me (hint, it's about drone play).

Finally, I want to say a massive thanks to everyone who has supported me with the 3D model. I know it's not to everyone's taste but I love the style choices we've made on it and I have a extra special announcement. For the first time ever I am getting a swimsuit outfit! Here is a little look of what that is going to be like! 

Thanks for your patience as always!

XOXO Secret


Amber Rose

Love it Miss as always