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So this was going to be a sequel to the ghost nurse series but the art I got was more just me as a yandere nurse, so we are changing it to be it's own thing! 

You go on a date with an ex-nurse and on the way to the car everything fades to black. When you wake up you find yourself strapped to a leather hospital bed with straps around your wrists and ankles. You struggle but find there is no use, you are trapped now. The nurse tells you about your predicament and how she is going to brainwash you, if the stockholm syndrome doesn't kick in first. The she takes your temperature and when it's high, she gives you a drink of what you think is water. It's not. She's laced it with sleeping pills crushed up while she gets ready for the next phase of her evil plan. She massages you head and ears with nice gentle rubs until you finally pass out. There is light hypnotic language in this one, but it's very conversational. No wakeup for this one! 



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