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This was actually a patron request to "have an audio where someone's control is taken slowly and over time, replacing one thing for another" I wanted something that was a slow fall but INTENSE once you get right into it and I have to say I am pretty pleased with how this turned out.

In this audio, we do some good old fashioned hypnosis. This is a very conversational approach with a lot of metaphors and imaginative language to really get you invested in the scene. We discuss the idea of your mind only being able to hold so many things, but at the same time when something is taken away it leaves a gap to be filled. And when I decide we should take away your thoughts, slowly and over time, we have to replace it with something. In this case, mindlessness and submission. This builds and builds as we play with your wants and needs a little, growing a craving for more and more as things shift inside your head. There is a lot of references to submitting to me, craving more of what I'm doing to your mind, and losing your thoughts and yourself piece by piece to the hypnosis. This version has NO WAKEUP!



oh ... mah ... gerddddddd. You weave your web. You build the experience so very wisely and slowly. not allowing us to get ahead of your lead. this one is pure heaven. pure control. pure submission. You are the best, in my very humble opinion, Miss Subject. i will be back to this one over and over again... thank you for such a wonderful D/s experience...


Could this get the "No Wakeup" tag?


Well done! I love the layered vocals, and the music fit it perfectly