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Hey everyone, firstly thank you so much for being so patient with me. 2021 has not been the most productive for me and I am working on continuing to make the work you love but at a pace that doesn't burn me out as quickly as it has in the past. June, as some of you recall I took a very much needed break and since I've been back things have been up and down, but I'm working on it. I want to keep pushing and improving but I'm in a space of wanting to grow, needed help but unsure who to ask or how and just trying my best to build this brand as big as we can. 

That said here is what I did this July:

  • We started off with Evil Queen Two both SFW YouTube edit and NSFW Patrons only edit.
  • I posted a new Mommy Dom file! This one was another sleep focused part that was super gentle and comforting. 
  • I also FINALLY put out the Bard Tiefling file. This one was on the back burner for a long time and I was waiting to order art but unfortunately that's not a possibly right now. Regardless, I wanted to share this cute file with you. 
  • GLaDOS! We got this done and I was so happy with the reception of this one! 
  • And recently I posted the new BDSM Mystery Girl audio!

What I am working on now: 

So recently I recorded a second SIMPNOSIS audio but I am unsure on whether it will be too much. I'm going to edit it and then see how I feel about it. I also recorded a new succubus file and plan to make that series more over the next month. 

I have also been livestreaming weekly over on Twitch! Vtubing has been a great thing to work on and I have loved connecting with some of you over there. It is very different from my main channel or the work here, but that's the point. We talk kink, hypnosis, do a LOT of fun ASMR and play games, so if that's something you'd like come and join us. 

Now, Discord call date. I want to do that next week, Sunday at 7am NZT. Click here for the time in your area https://notime.zone/MfwPtut53ESST. How this will work is, it will be a livestream format, I will be on cam answering your questions, chatting content and if we have time, doing a small kinky session! So, go and get the patron role on Discord this week in preparation, if you have issues please let a mod (not me because I am not a mod) know. Alicin is great with tech and has a manual way to get the patron role for people who can't connect their discord and patreon emails. 

Finally, I am taking requests! Yes, I am taking your requests so comment them below and I will let you know yes or no. Please remember just because you comment does not mean your idea will get picked, don't be upset if it doesn't. I only have so many hours in the day to make content. Also I do not do, CEI, dark ageplay, any type of sissy or feminization work, anything to do with bodily fluids, and super hardcore humiliation. Also please no requests for anything that mixes kink and therapy, I will not be doing it. 

I can't wait to hear what you want to see and thank you for all the support!

xoxo  Secret Subject



Hey Miss, could you do another one with more breath play kind of stuff like the throat grabbing you did in the one video. Maybe something like being interrogated by a female spy or something as such and then you realize while torturing the the subject that they actually enjoy the breath play?


Hi secret. Thank you so much for all that you do first of all. Your content is truly remarkable. As for suggestions, please do more mommy dom content. I cannot be the only one who finds this to be their favorite content from you, but I’ve never felt so comforted from a mommy dom voice/script before, and my ex was all about this stuff with me. I’m not the best script writer, but could I suggest a mommy dom video centered around praising her little? Like we did something very good and you’re very happy/proud about it. I lose my shit when you baby talk us in ur videos with stuff like “sweet little angle” or “my little darling”. I mostly listen in on your content for the comfort, but for suggestion in kink stuff, I’m personally really into Giantess stuff and would love to see any kind of giantess content. I’m not sure how familiar you are with it, but would adore some gentle giantess content from you, and would probably go nuts over Vore stuff if that’s not too far out of your kink range. Sorry for the long suggestion, I really love your content and think you’re doing an amazing job!


Turns out the office you and the yandere work for is Subject Corp, and she's "borrowed" one of their new prototype brainwashing vr headsets to make you even more perfect for her.


Well, it might not be that original suggestion, but what I like is classic, vanilla, hypnosis, without roleplays of various sorts. That's the kind of content I would like to see more often.

Dan White

Well, I do like your role-play files, especially the submission/enslavement ones.~ Here are a few suggestions, maybe one will click. 1. A student (college or high school) is failing a class and is in detention. She hypnotizes the teacher/principal into giving them an A, with the promise of using further detentions to enslave them further. 2. A magic creature (siren, fae, magic hypnotist?) tricks you into bringing them home, which then becomes their home as they mesmerize and turn you into their slave. You will give her your bed, clean, and cook her meals, becoming her enthralled servant all while maintaining the facade of a normal life outside the house. 3. Roommate hypnosis: For a project (college, grad thesis?), your roommate has studied hypnosis and wants to hypnotize you to help with her research. Once you’re under, she reveals that it was all an excuse to lower your guard – she turns you into a loving slave who will do all the chores of the apartment, pay the rent, and serve her in any way she desires. 4. Fantasy-theme hypnosis: the sorceress of your party has decided it’s safer and more profitable to brainwash adventurers into serving her and turning over all loot from their quests. You are the warrior of the party, and she teases you about your strong muscles being no help at all as she dangles a magic crystal before your eyes and turns you to her slave. For a BDSM angle, she straps you to a table in her new mansion, unable to look away as she dangles it above you. For a NSFW angle, she brings in your fellow adventurers whom she already brainwashed and has them lick you, helping bring you under with pleasurable distraction. 5. A similar take on the Evil Queen series: she captures an adventurer determined to end her evil reign. With magic, potions, and hypnosis, she instead works the adventurer down into enslavement, who betrays the locations of their friends so they can be captured and enslaved as well. 6. We’ve often heard about people to be sent to SubjectCorp – perhaps we see what goes on there, as they endure a full and thorough brainwashing? Strapped to a table, hypnotic words and spirals on the screen above, gassed and drugged and pleasured, all contributing to a complete (and permanent?) brainwashing. All of these could probably have Clean/NSFW versions depending on what jives. Thank you for your work, all of it is amazing!


Well I gave my clock one yesterday, had another idea earlier today to use coloured text to create a confusion induction. Could do the classic word is the colour it says and then switch to them being different (e.g. word is blue but text colour is red)


I really loved the glados file this month and thank you in general for all your amazing stuff, Miss! Keep taking good care! Now for requests, i am a huge fan of everything that includes bondage and monsters (absolute favs are the Lamia files up until now), and a very specific trope i also love are tentacles >///< so a gentle bondage inspired tentacle file, may it be erotic or not, would be an absolute banger for me! No matter if it's an octo-girl or a kraken, that's up to your creative freedom! (One thing i don't like though is aliens)

Chris Warren

I especially like the Evil Queen/BDSM Mystery Girl/Vampire (both shy and non-shy versions) stuff. (This is, I realize, not a suggestion, so probably not useful.) But I wanted to say that you have done a ton of great stuff, so you shouldn't feel the need to apologize to us about being "not productive enough". You rule.


Does another wizard school bimbo file count as a request. Otherwise, maybe being turned into a wolf-person, being entranced by the moon?


I'm well behind on what a lot of the current content is, but I've really enjoyed the "I am a toy" and "blank brain" files, and would enjoy more in those lines. Either direct follow ups, or similar "mind-focused" files that play more with metacognitive sensations than fantasies. I suspect this is a minority position though, so no worries if another direction is taken <3


A second on this! There are some 400 files, we're drowning already,! Please don't feel like you are in any way not enough.


I’m a new Patreon subscriber this month and I’m absolutely loving catching up on your content! I would love to hear your take on tickling! It’s one of my favorite kinks to play with, especially combined with hypnosis, because it’s so versatile. You can make it teasy and flirty and gentle like your bdsm mystery girl series, or really torturous and intense in a captive or interrogation rp. You can hypnotically freeze someone in place and tickle them, or mix in bondage! You can turn the tickling sensations on and off with hypnosis, make them really tickly or erotic. You can connect tickling with submission, so the more you’re tickled the subbier you become. You can make tickle words extra tickly. You can make someone beg to be tickled, to name all their most ticklish spots, admit they love it. It’s so fun and versatile, it can really be whatever you make it and fit into any fantasy setting. A tickle robot, magical tickle plant, tickle vampire. Erotic or not erotic, sweet or mean, anything! I personally love the gentle teasy “you love this don’t you” kind of tickle play the best. Hope that inspired you!


That's very cute I could for sure do more Mommy Dom stuff. Again. not very familiar with giantess work but if you tell me what about it piques your interest I can then see what I can do.


Good to know. The issue is that work doesn't do well on YouTube but I have thought about putting more of it here as patron only content.


For sure, but I didn't want to steal your clock idea outright. I think maybe there is a spin I could do on it. Maybe I can become time herself LOL


Funny you mention this as the latest BDSM mystery girl was supposed to be a tickling file! As I recorded it I forgot that was the original plan so it changed a bit. Maybe I'll make a special remix of it with tickling.


i love your monthly updates, Secret. as far as an idea... how about a Predator/prey file? with You, the Predator (of course) using those eyes to capture us (Your prey)?


Hello, loving the content so far as a new patron. I really enjoy the bimbo files and anything with Crystal, so more in that vein would be great. One idea could be Crystal making the listener dumb and then being her guinea pig by having other spells cast on them. There would be fun hypnotic effects of some sort which are better left to your imagination, but it should probably be humiliating in some way haha.


I’d really really like an extended cuddling audio.


I would love more pet play or blindfold bdsm sessions

Lucio Amante

Been quite a while since an IQ drop file... I'd love something like that once more, they could be so powerful. Also some interactive sessions...a video using the virtual image...It could be fun , you have so many props you could use, it could be fun.


I would like to see an expanded version of the hypno slut series continued.