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This audio is a mix of a script I was sent by the awesome Sean Psudonym, which I took and put my own more SFW edit on! In this audio you are doing an experiment with GLaDOS (GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) is an artificial intelligence created by Aperture Science, and the primary antagonist of the Portal series) who is in charge of testing the latest neurotoxin on you. As the test goes along things seem to shift and change as GLaDOS' real intentions start to reveal themselves, you start to lose yourself to the obedience pumping through your head and she is ready to take full advantage of you.

Originally this was going to have more sexual elements but I've created this with intense obedience in mind instead. 


  • Robotic voice femdom
  • Drug play (gas filling the room you breathe in that makes you overwhelmed and obedient)
  • Mantras 
  • Mindlessness
  • Helpless obedience
  • Light condensing tone and lots of sarcasm
  • Some references to risk and danger in the experiment 

I'm interested to see how people respond to this one and a MASSIVE thanks to Sean for the script to riff off!



waiting for one that’s Nsfw.Thx.


Two files in one day. It’s a good day!


Oh yea I've been sitting on these two for a long time... So I thought it was time to get them out into the world! Haha


I really liked this one. I'd love to hear more robotic-themed recordings using your audio toys!

Barking Alien

I for one welcome our Robotic Femdom Overlords. More like this please. <3


This was really nice, I would really like another file from this series if your interested in making one


Hello Ms. Subject. I looked at the name of the author of this file who has a name similar to mine. After I listened to the file which was awesome with your added touches, I discovered it was not my script. But that is okay. I enjoyed it immensely. By the way, EXPERIMENT needs the E dropped in the title. Keep up the good work, my Mistress.


It was great fun being experimented on by GLaDOS in this fashion. If only GLaDOS had done this on Chell in Portal then I bet she wouldn't have had so many problems.