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Hey everyone, firstly thank you all for the continued support of my channel and work. It's your help that allows me to keep doing this full time and keep me being able to upgrade my setup. 

In terms of new equipment, last month I had an isovox arrive. I know I mentioned a booth I was looking into, but that feel through so this is my temporary solution for soundproofing. What an isovox is, is a sound dampening box that I can use to record a bit more frequently and will hopefully dampen the noise for my main mics. It won't work with my 3Dio which is a shame as I know a few of you really enjoy the sound of that mic, but once I start trialing it properly. Massive thanks to everyone who helped make that happen, including a few people who chose to donate directly to my PayPal, it really made a huge difference with investing in this. 

(this next paragraph will be a little extra so please skip ahead if you don't want to know about the drama) Now, a lot of people have been asking where have I been? June has been a challenge so far. Firstly, Alice's parents have been staying with us from Australia. This means I have had two weeks of not being able to work due to, well, I'm not going to say lewd stuff in places they can hear me. On top of that we have dealt with not one but multiple threats of doxxing. This has been pretty scary at first but now I know this is inevitable I've given up caring about it, so hopefully we can move on. If you do see something that looks like it could be private information of mine, or tied to me, please just let me know and don't make a big deal out of it. Honestly, I don't care now and I've been sitting counting the days before it happens versus trying to make it stop. On top of that, I've been planning an engagement party for Alice and I as well as wedding planning for a wedding next year.  So, you can probably imagine some of the stress I have been going through, trying to run a business along side all these things. I am working on getting back on schedule but I really do appreciate that you can be patient with me as I do the best I can with what I can do. 

So, what did we do last month?

Finally a quick update on face livestreams here on Patreon. After I mentioned I would do them as a bonus for all of you, I have heard some people have been saving the link. Originally the idea was to delete the YouTube link and save it directly to Patreon but since people saved the link regardless of my wishes I am going to for now, until I can find a better method, delete the stream once it is finished. This is not because I care that people see my face and know what I look like, but because I do not like seeing myself on camera. 

Again, thank you for understanding. I have a few projects in the works that I can't wait to share with you when I have the time.

XOXO The Secret Subject


Lucio Amante

I am really sorry the doxxing situation got this worse but don't worry about the break, You certainly deserved it ^^ Little sad about your patreon face videos, for timezones or for me being unable to sit through them most of the time I watched them afterwards in different moments, but it's our fault if some people saved the link DESPITE you telling us to not do so. I hope a new method will be found but in the meanwhile I'll reiterate what I said countless times before, you are a gorgeous lady , absolutely beautiful and there is no video where you didn't look fantastic :) Looking forward to your upcoming projects as usual.


it only takes one... doesn't it! dammit. but hey. you always have the best intentions. and if someone or a few someones want to spoil it for everyone else, let them. we totally understand why you do what you do, TSS. and wow! May was a hellah full month! remember, we are here for you. and we, many of us being submissive, love to help you any way that we can. chuckles. and i mean that in the healthiest of ways, unlike some of those who are causing so many problems and headaches for you. take care... we'll be here.


I am not sure what the doxxinig situation means but I know someone had been stalking her. I am not sure if the two are related Nevertheless, It is good to hear that Ms. Subject is faring well under the circumstances. It was good to hear of the updates. It seems your living situation is a bit crowded. I am sure that is merely a temporary situation. Take care. God bless.


> People saving the link after you SPECIFICALLY told them not to Ugh. This is why we can't have nice things. Totally understand your decision there. But yeah, I've been reading about the doxxing sitch and at a loss of what to say about it. I guess I'm sorry that People are Being The Worst yet again. And good on you for rising above it as much as you can. You rest as much as you need/can now, and your supporters will be there to well, support you, in the meantime ^^ P.S. Yay for the isovox! New gear is always fun.


Nothing like engagement/wedding planning to lower the stress levels!! So exciting, though, so happy for you!!


I am still trying to understand the violation. What is the link to? Is it some type of promotional link? It sounds like a big deal and has caused Ms. Subject some grief and discomfort. The latter part is more I am concerned about, the emotional and psychological well being of Ms. Subject.


Doxxing is when people find out my personal information such as my legal name and even my address and try and release it publicly. That's what we are going through right now with some people.


Last month has been my entrance to your dungeon, the first I'm struggeling wether I should leave as soon as possible or stay - with all consequenses. For now I'm not running away. Your voice alone has an big impact on me, I could not understand why, but it feels good. Impatiently wating for the return of the evil queen... But private live is striking any wishes of the minions, that's true!


I really liked the new yandere and the first entry of evil queen. I also think I heard on one of your twitch streams that you had some ideas for another Celeste one? Anyway, vampires are hot and she is adorable. I guess I am generally loving all the RPing stuff. I'm sorry to hear about some of the shittiness you've had to deal with lately and totally understand that you will take some breaks sometimes!


Thanks Secret Subject for all your hard work on providing all these great files and hope the engagement party works out well.


Oh...wow ...that is pretty serious Ms. Subject. There are a lot of crazy and obsessed people and not the normally crazed and obsessed. I may be crazed and obsessed over you but not in an unhealthy way where it voilates a person's safety and security. I believe in pushing the envelope but that is unruly. I believe in the old adage, 'Don't bite the hand that feeds it.' Through your words, the creative energy acts as hands that feed my mind and body. I will always kiss 💋 that hand. Okay...let me stop there before I get carried away. But you get my drift Ms. Subject. Any more thoughts must be whispered in your ear.


Ayo i hope shits good on the doxxing front now and the stalking thing that sounds really rough I'm sorry :( I hope everything's aight now