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Candle video to stare at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vnt8AZLcQVbwwdhaipAotTb8A-jOssBx/view?usp=sharing

Starting off as a very gentle candle fixation ASMR session this soon twists and turns into femdom, submission training where I have you completely under my control. My words tying ropes around your limbs and controlling you like a submissive puppet. Telling you what to say, what to think and how to move, making your more and more submissive to me. A complete control file for those who like to lose it. 

So, it is all about getting your nice and empty and filled by my words as I gently dominate you down deeper into trance with those awesome ASMR feelings from the stereo audio. Making my voice really sink around your head. Finger snapping and fixated this is a great session for those who love to feel deeply controlled. There is some body movement with your hands, as well as images of you kneeling for the candle (kneeling not required it can be imagined) but just keep it in mind. 


  • Body control including moving your arms and sticking them to your head on my command, repeating mantras out loud
  • Gentle Femdom style domination
  • Waking hypnosis and fractionation
  • Submission to me and saying mantras to make your more submissive to me
  • Liking this video on command and feeling a wave of submissive bliss spread through your body (or if you already have and this is a rewatch, you get it doubled!)
  • Candle fixation hypnosis
  • ASMR and stereo sounds to make your feel like I am in the room
  • Images of you kneeling (not a direct command as it is imagined but some of you might want to kneel, totally optional)
  • A fair bit of finger snapping
  • Praise for being obedient
  • Being called a Submissive Puppet several times
  • SET A TIMER as this has NO WAKEUP! If you don't you will either wake up on your own time or fall asleep, there is also emergency suggestions in case



When you said to repeat the mantra until the timer went off I went "OH NO THE TIMER". Woke up, set a timer and went back down again 😅 I'm excited to listen again with the video/ hunt down an actual candle


This was sooo good. i am dying to become obedient



Barking Alien

I obey you Miss Subject. I love obeying and submitting to you. WOW.


You are just a friggin treasure. I enjoy your work so much. Your early YouTube clips got me into all of this and I’m grateful. 🥰


This file is amazing, had me writhing in the agony of pleasure. The mantras went deep down in my soul and permeated my body. I love obeying and submitting to you. This gives me immensely more pleasure than the more provocative audios with masturbation commands The pleasure is cerebral yet it manifests in my throbbing penis. When you have my mind, my penis wags like a dog, salivating with excitement. When I confess my love of obeying, I instantly get excited. And your words go through my mind and massages my body. I forgot to set my alarm too. But I set it for 15 minutes and went under. Saying the mantra left me in escatsy, dripping and throbbing in pleasure. This kind of seduction is more fulfilling. I am left wanting more. I do not feel the need to masturbate became this is a mind orgasm. A regular hand orgasm can leave one empty but this form of mental seduction penetrates the soul (mind, will and emotions). The body falls in line and experiences pleasure on a deeper level.


Very peaceful, very submissive, very deep.


I hate to break it to you sweetheart but no one tells Alistair the radio demon what to do


I mean, look. If you don't like femdom audio maybe don't purchase my patreon since that's 99.9% of what I do here. I will happily offer you a refund if you like?


Relax relax my dear I'm just playing with you I like getting into the role of the listener


OK how can I explain this to you Have you ever heard of the term dark humor I always like to joke around with people even since I was a young kid I always got a high off of seeing people's reaction when I joke with them and they don't even know it In a way I was using dark humor to see how you're reacting it being dark heart on patron or Alistair the Radio demon on YouTube For as far as I can remember I knew my humor was a little dark when I was a young child but as I got older it got so much more better at it And trust me don't take this seriously but all in good fun I was just joking with you And trust me don't take this seriously but all in good fun I was just joking with you YouTube and patron has always been a good friend to me And I thank you all for that you have been a lighted at the end of a very long dark tunnel


Okay. Look if you make comments like on that youtube whatever, this is my job here and I take all comments like that seriously. I dont know you, we aren't friends. I need to make that really clear. Here you buy a service from me, that is my audio work. I'm flattered you like what I do but just know I am going to take comments seriously because it's literally my job.