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So, I haven't been able to work for over a week now. As a lot of you know we live on a busy road (not by our own choice but because we had to) and now the roads are getting busier then ever so getting even a minute of quiet to make my usual recordings has been impossible.
I mentioned a while back I was looking into a Studio Bricks vocal booth and today we have done the budgeting and have decided it's a go! This means there should be a ton more content coming soon and it will mean I can work a more normal schedule instead of my all night recording binges that I've been doing for the last almost a year.
I just want to take a second and thank all of you, who without your support for my work, this would not have been possible. With this upgrade I also have plans for video content which will become a lot more possible too with the reduced risk of ruining a take due to background sounds.
It also means, more 3D recordings! I know anlot of you have been really enjoying those lately and I've not been able to make any since that last Dr Subject one. So, once that arrives that's another goal I have.

Again, I want to thank you all and special thanks to the special people put there who threw in some donations towards the equipment. That means so much to me that you wanted to help and I am very grateful.

XOXO The Secret Subject



Superb, glad you're making progress and this seems like a significant step forward! On a selfish note, does this mean you might be getting back into customs?


If you could find a way to motorise it, and maybe attach some 1950s sci-fi robot arms to the sides, I would actually live in one of those.


Gosh, that sounds fantastic! I'm super happy for you!


Congratulations!!! 💍👰💍👰