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This was a voted request over on YouTube but I really wanted to give it a sexy spin. So this is the special, YouTube, non-sexual gentle femdom edit of the idea of my voice being inside your head, recorded with my 3Dio microphone to give it that extra little bit of movement and feeling.

In this audio, we discuss all the ways my voice ensnares your mind. How intoxicating it can be, like a drug sneaking through your system and as you give into me, you feel how soothing and relaxing it can be, wrapped up in my voice. It is a lot about being calmed and relaxed with a TON of reinforcement of the "SLEEP" trigger plus sneaking my words over you as they sink into your mind and gently dominate you. There is mantras, saying yes to me (because you can't help yourself and I know you LOVE that), and optional wakeup with a special surprise... 

SUGGESTIONS: In this file the suggestions are that my voice is so intoxicating like a drug. It starts nice and gentle relaxing you into trance, there is fractionation and a LOT of use of the "sleep" trigger, plus a little reinforcement of that. Then, I tell you all about how you love being controlled by my voice, giving you some suggestions to say yes to me and love it, plus a few little mantras. There is also a LOT of snapping. Eyes opening and closing to fractionate you a little and show you how much I control you and intentional use of dissociative language. At the end this optional amnesia suggestions mixed with a mantra that you will say when you wakeup out of trance. Not knowing how it happened, but knowing WHY it happened. 




I think this may be your best recording yet. On my headphones the main track sounded kind of above and behind me as it moved back and forth and it was wonderful. The side tracks are perfect and the snaps are....very effective. I'm definitely looking forward to listening to the other version!


best effect on me ever! and that's saying a lot because your voice always affects me! cutting to the chase like that... unexpected whispers in one ear at just the right moment...those things deepened the control your voice has on my mind while it's under your control. this is a delicious file! very very asmr. and the absolute perfect amount of control. Thank you, TSS. oh. and by the way: i love the sound of Your voice. chuckles.


The quality of this recording is, at least in my headphones, perfect. Mind you my ears are not! I love the sound of your voice, OK, so you knew I would say that but it makes me feel good to say it because it is true and you didn't need to make me say it. Anyway I love the sound of your voice.


That was awesome It really took me deep into trance


This was so completely incredible, it completely blew my mind. i just want to be under Your complete control, mind, body and soul .


Your voice is so relaxing, soothing and peaceful all at once. It turned my mind/body into butter. Whatever stress I had was gone after this. Thank you.


Your voice just kills me. I would do anything for some kind of permanence


Your will is my will. My brain is soft butter in Your hands


I love the sound of your voice, Ms. Subject


I love the sound of your voice Miss Subject


I don’t understand what just happened. At the end, my mind released in orgasm. I drifted and calmed in afterglow. Less than five minutes later I was desperate for your hypnosis and control like I hadn’t cum in weeks. I need more. I’ll behave.


You get me so aroused with your voice.