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Hey everyone I just wanted to share with you all what has been happening in the last week or so because I do have some things that are awesome and some that are not so awesome.

So the awesome stuff first of all. I am looking into financing a portable recording booth. It's a Studio Bricks VA Edition and it's really awesome. It could change a lot but it's a huge decision and a big commitment. We are still in talks about it but hopefully this is something that can happen. As some of you know we moved house before lockdown last year and our house being on a main road is busy all the time. Having the booth means I get a normal schedule for work and you all get more, high quality files, so everyone wins (but my wallet 🤣).

Secondly, I have started plans for the 1 Hour Brainwashing as promised last month. I will make half of it sfw and the second half more arousal based so you get a really fun experience overall and I get to use some of that track for youtube as well.

Now some not so great news. A lot of you know that recently Alice and I have been dealing with a cyber stalker. It has also been brought to our attention this week that a different person has been reposting old gifs, posts and even my cat pictures to a "fan account" on tumblr. When Alice asked them to stop they were rude and over the last few days have taken down two different accounts plus asked her if they could role play as me so that people don't miss me on the platform. I made a post about supporter etiquette on reddit and they immediately got in my space. They have been posting images of me to the r/erotichypnosis and at first I thought it was whatever but it has gotten out of hand. I had assumed they were the same person who has been hounding us for months now but it is not. I've also found out in the last week our stalker is a minor and they showed me proof they know my full, legal name. So this has been a rough week for me. I know people tell me "it's only going to get worse as your channel grows" but this sounds like something from a story. I just want to let you all know that I am trying my best to keep it together and I am making a dossier of screenshots that Alice and I will try and send to the authorities. I can't live in a constant state of fear and I honestly feel like any day I could be doxxed.

I just want to say, if information about me comes out do not act on it. Ignore the account it comes from and let's just let this die out. I love what I do and I appreciate all the support I've had from you all over the years. I would hate to lose all the hard work over something like this but I can tell you life has not been easy since 2021 began.

Thanks for understanding and I hope I can give you good news next time I come here to update you all!

XOXO The Secret Subject



There's always idiots in the world. So they know your name, who cares? Anyone with my email knows my name. If you need a hand with anything, reach out to us, I'm sure you're community will support you as best they can.


That sucks that someone would threaten all the work and love you put in to this community. I really hope it resolves okay. We're here for you, Miss Subject!


Well, the hour session sounds amazing, so definitely looking forward to that, but the other part is a serious bummer. I'm pretty new to everything you do, but it's been so amazing to see how much creativity, enthusiasm, thought, and energy you put into your work. So, that's rough about that person, no doubt about it. I just hope you know that for every jerk like that out there, there are tons of other people sending you good vibes every day. You're amazing!


Sorry. We appreciate you. ❤️


Sorry that those people are making your and Alice's lives a misery at this time. i hope you manage to get these people to stop harassing you and that you can get the authorities to deal with it. Good luck with getting the recording booth and the new file sounds like it will be worth the wait.


Hour session woooooo! Other stuff.... That's terrible TSS. I'm really, really sorry to hear all that. We really love and appreciate you. Always know that <3


everyone else has said what "we who love you two" want you to know. we appreciate you. we support you. we are behind you and beside you through all of this. if you decide there is anything any of us can do to help, we will. as far as the recording booth goes... sounds like a big decision. hopefully our contributions here will allow you to get it and recover from the hit on your pocketbook too. its so much fun being involved in your plans, TSS. thanks for all that you do.


I hope this all works out. I will keep you in prayer. There are always outliers who push the boundaries in inappropriate ways. That is a maturity issue but for you it can be a safety and security issue as well. Stay strong. I am a new member but not new to hypnosis. I have listened to Fiona Clearwater for years. I find your work similar. I love your accent as well