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Hey everyone, I just wanted to give you a recap of the previous month and some of the changes that have happened. 

I am so pleased to see the massive growth that's happened in the last 28 days! It's kind of insane how quickly the community is growing and how things are evolving. I am also reaching record numbers on YouTube which is exciting. I guess the years of hard work is starting to pay off in an exciting way. 

As some of you know I have not had the best time of 2020 and now into 2021. I still am having issues with people being negative towards me, but this is something I know I have to live with and push through. My medical issues are also starting to slowly get a little better. I didn't mention this a lot but I've had a lot of chronic fatigue holding me back from being able to do as much as I would have liked but that's okay as I feel the work I have done has creatively been some of my best. Also, you might have noticed a change in my voice a little, the fatigue has been affecting it but due to my need to put out content I have pushed through. The files over the next couple months will continue to be pumped out as I can but there might be times when you don't hear from me for a week, and that's okay. Know that I am always planning and always getting myself prepped to make more amazing erotic content for you. 

So what did I do this month? Here are some of the projects I've been working on:

  • The biggest thing I've been doing is updating the website, this has been super important for my growth as I want to use it more not just for advertising my work to a wider audience but also to be able to have a running log of my files both on YouTube and Patreon. 
  • I've been super passionate about role play content, ordering new art to great success and making some pretty cool, immersive ASMR style roleplay hypnosis. I've noticed that a lot of people are into it too, because it connects two communities of the people who like the hypnosis and the people who like roleplays. 
  • I've been rebranding a little this week as I make purple more of a signature colour of my work.
  • I dabbled into vtubing! Yes, I have the gear to have a virtual avatar and it's been fun playing with that because of all the security risks of putting my face out there plus my health issues, it's nice to not have to deal with the stuff I get when I make face videos and gives me a little more freedom. 
  • I've been a lot more focused on Kink content and owning that as my brand. It's always been obviously kink content on my channel but now I am leaning into it more and still keeping the erotic stuff here.

So, my goals for next month are to make more erotic work for all of you! I have my 1 Hour Pleasure Brainwashing file in my head and almost ready to record when I have the pep to be able to, so keep that in mind. Also I will be spending less time on social media and being involved with the community at large. Something I have struggled with in the last year has been feeling bad about myself and my ethics around how I do things. I've let the smallest criticisms ruin my entire day, week even and I am ready for that to stop. I'm going to seriously consider paying someone to handle my social media for me, and take a step back as the hate crushes my spirit and makes me feel bitter about myself and the work I make. I'm sorry if that is upsetting to hear for some of you, but I think with some time to get back to myself I can FINALLY go back to the passion I had prior to 2018, before I got bogged down with stress and before I lost some of my spark for doing what I love. 

Thank you all for being here and remember, even if I don't get back to you right away I see all your messages and I appreciate the amazing support y'all have given me. 

XOXO The Secret Subject

P.S all the files from this month can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/thesecretsubject?filters[month]=2021-2



Haters gonna hate. No-one listens to those humdingers anuway. They can say what they want, we don't care! Keep doing what you love, that's all that matters. And take a break if you need or want it. I'm sure we'll continue to support!


take good care of yourself, TSS, and the rest will be easier to get done when the time is right. i love being a part of your community, supporting your work, experiencing your files and watching you grow. we are behind you. it's a movement! chuckles.

Lucio Amante

I am glad your passion got rekindled and fused with your incredible creativity and the equipment I think everyone is up for great times to come. Quite curious on how the vr avatar will work with the videos. If it is possible to make it handle props like pocketwatches and crystals.Or different filters to make it look slightly different according to theme.


Well, we wish that your luck never leaves you and that your content develops more and more. I am glad that your health and business in general are improving in 2021. And at the expense of rebranding: purple is really cool!


Yea so that is something I haven't worked out yet but I have plans to make videos like pocket watch ones using video effects so ill keep everyone posted on that. It will be here first.

Lucio Amante

Fair enough, until the day I hope we'll get to see a video with the actual you again (because it'd means you're in a much better health, mind state...and because no vr avatar can beat your original beauty and genuinity) It seems like a good solid compromise.


Honestly I think hiring out to manage your social for you is a really good idea. Not only is it a huge time sink but its also toxic af. I got rid of all mine around six months ago and can't believe how much better and more productive I feel.


Yea and that's how I feel too. I love being part of the community but lately people have been really awful to me in terms of how they are portraying me and not letting my hard work speak for itself. Mental health wise its a total Rollercoaster when I just want to focus on making great stuff in a consensual and safe way for all of you.


Awww I appreciate that Dave. thank you! I'm not going to take a break but I am going to step back from things that bring me no joy like social media.


Don't panic, this happens every month on patreon to every creator, not just me. At the end of the month the numbers drop as people figure out their financial situations and over the month will rise again. So don't worry, I'm not concerned 🙂


Dont be, again this is what happens. Patreon does a clean out every month of all the deleted accounts, deleted pledges and people's who's card didn't go through yet.