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So, I got notified that some people have been paying to support my work and then taking links to patreon YouTube links and spreading them with non-patrons. This completely shocked me that someone would do that but at the same time, I should have foreseen an issue. 

Here's the solution. Over the next week I will be removing all links to videos and reuploading them direct to patreon using the vimeo feature. I'm sorry if this causes issue with anyone, and I think I might have to reupload completely which means you are going to get overloaded with older videos. I am so sorry for this, but we will get past it and can move on with a better system in the future.

Please, if you are here DO NOT share the links to paid content with people around the community. I assumed this would be common sense but I guess not. 


The Secret Subject



Just a comment on this, I found you through a YouTube video and instantly became a Patreon supporter. If I hadn't had seen some videos on YouTube, I would not have found you. Best to keep some stuff on there that's publicly available so others can find you.


On the upside, us Johnny come lately's get to have a review of all the videos. #brightside


Oh man, I’ve had people do that to me. I’m really sorry to hear that.


This isn't about the public stuff. This is only about the private youtube videos that are for patrons only. The public stuff is staying free but the paid content is changing from youtube to Vimeo which will be on the page.


It sucks that someone would do that to you.


Well, I have actually figured how to do it without making them all new posts. But if you have trouble with finding content, use patreons search and tagging feature. Its at the top of the page right under my heading banner. There is a option called "media type" click that and pick video to see just videos. Hope that helps!

Donald Gilmore

I can see downloading a video for ones one personal use but to share links to files for which people pay good money is just plain disrespectful and wrong.


I hadn’t even found the patreon only videos, so it’s nice to know there’s more. But that does suck. Reddit is rife with this. I’m glad you have found a solution.


Another friend of mine dealt with something similar with her patron-only posts. It sucks how people don't respect small-time creators trying to make a living. :(