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This is a loop all about the idea of focus and shifting your focus. So I was thinking about trance skills the other day and one thing that I would always notice when entering trance is that moment of focus shift. That's what this track is all about. While you are going about doing other tasks I want you to pay attention (or not) to the shift in focus. It's that blurring of the vision or the realizing that you have been staring at something but not registering it feeling. 

This track is to be played while doing other tasks in the background on a loop. Don't pay too much attention to it, but when you do the idea is that we are going to fractionate you with waking trance feelings. Your eyes might stay open but your mind will be going in and out of that trance state. This could take practice for some, and this is the perfect way to get in some trance training while also doing what you need to do. 

The only suggestions this has is that practice will make you better at going in and out of trance and that we notice trance like feelings everyday. You might become more aware of what you are doing when drifting between those states, or you might not. 




You are so fun. Thank you


heck yeah heck yeah heck yeah~ glad to see a return to the Background Brainwashing series!


Nice. That was really something. I was 45 minutes in as I did laundry, fold, other stuff but the more I listened the more I was just floating throughthe motions and wanting to just sit and listen. Which is what I did and might still be doing if the phone hadn't rung. Hahaha. Thank you, Mistress. Nice training.


Absolutely wonderful :)


Hello Miss Subject! Life for some time has left me as just a lurker, still a supporter yes, and never truly too far away. I occasionally play a file when I need a “Miss” fix. Your voice is like safe place to come back to. This file stirred me out of the muck, to rise up and shout, “yes yes yes!”. This file is so much what I wanted just now. Something I can use “wake state”, but trains and escapes, but can still function while working (when work allows). This file is simply a fantastic work, and I am deeply grateful for you having made it. Away but not to far... Mish