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Hey everyone! So, I'm sorry to say that HypNovember for me this year was a huge bust, but I did learn from the experience and I'm going to share a little bit about it here. 

So, most of you already know 2020 while being a huge success for me work wise, has been a struggle health wise. I started the year being diagnosed with NAFLD which I now have 100% under control despite not following the prescribed diet for longer than 10 weeks. Then, I started getting a lot more migraines, nerve pains and stress aches all over my body. This has caused a massive downward spiral in how I live, limiting my abilities to crank out content like a machine as I used to. Along with this, I recently stopped showing my face on camera due to skin issues that makes wearing makeup incredibly painful. I should have foreseen the crash that happened coming but hey, I wanted to do my best with HypNovember.

I saw my doctor yesterday and having been on a medication for fibromyalgia for a couple months now a lot has improved but now we need to see if I should increase my dosage for my strange aches and pains that I still deal with daily. It really didn't help that I got what I call "actual" sick two weeks ago, and had to get a covid test. 

Okay, so with all that out the way we can see that as no huge surprise I didn't get through this months daily hypnosis challenge, and you know I think that's okay. What I did do was create some of my favourite work and find a whole new genre on YouTube that I have started incorporating into my work here. 

Here's what we got this month...

I did a couple of text things, which you can find here:

Then we kicked it off with Brain Hacking, which honestly set the tone for the month for me. I am very into the idea of creating series of videos where things lead on. It's not just good for YouTube growth but I feel like it gives you a really great listening experience. Now, I know this files code isn't correct. Try not to judge me too harshly, I am not a coder like Alice. 

After that we got Salon Brainwashing 2 and A Tour of the Brainwashing Department, a series that I actually made twice. So the first version of Salon 2 was something WAYYY different, but then the inspiration hit me and I made them back to back, which is why they fit together so perfectly. If you want to see more of this series (or any others) tell me about it in the comments so I know the direction of where to head next!

Following this I had to take a break. It wasn't something I wanted to do but I really had to for myself and health. I had plans to make The Office roleplay into a Brainwashing/Dronifcation series but I haven't had the mental space to record the sequel yet. I will plan to do that this coming month however. 

Something I am super proud of this month happened, my BDSM Mystery Girl series! I was inspired by other Dominants doing this, more specifically Depraved Ero's series "Submitting for the First Time". I thought, what if we had that but hypnosis kink? So BDSM Meet Up and Rope Class were born and I have to say, I LOVE the direction of this series. It is so wholesome and affirming and I really want to capture the true essence of IRL kink at this time where we can't have that. 

I also wanted to take roleplay and hypnosis up a notch so started two other series, Celeste the Shy Vampire and the Wizard School roleplay series. Celeste was so popular I have a sequel to her first file hitting here in the next few days. 

Also I have to mention Distracted in Class 2, by MASSIVE demand. I really enjoyed making this a more pet play themed file and I hope to add a sexy twist to the future sequels. 

Thank you all for being so supportive throughout this whole year. I know there has been lots of ups and downs for us all but I truly do appreciate the support, allowing me to be able to work the job of my dreams. I am so lucky. Next month, I have huge plans for roleplays. I want to get back into creating some more sexy content too but always keeping the quality high as I can. Also while I don't feel ready to hit the camera anytime soon, I have some plans to make brainwashing style videos when I have time, so keep an eye out for that. Also, if you haven't already get your tickets to Charmed Online Hypnosis Convention 2021. I will be presenting the precon 101 class with Alicin as well as a very special class on how to do what I do, looking behind the screen to exactly what I do to make a TSS file!

As always folks, keep it trancey!

XOXO The Secret Subject

P.S, yes the LUST file is high up on my list...


Jason Jeter

I just thought about this, how about do a brainwashing using the Borg from Star Trek. You would be a Borg Queen, who hacks into one’s consciousness and has them fully assimilated to be under your control.


Love the content, but please prioritize taking as all the time and energy you need for your health. <3


Thanks for all great content in Hypnovember Secret Subject. Hope that you get time to rest and deal with your medical issues.

Lucio Amante

Focus on getting better and take some rest. Wishing you a lightning speed recovery and that we'll get to see your beautiful face again really soon ^^