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This is another ASMR roleplay, coming out every Wednesday on YouTube! (I will be adding some with a more sexual twist to come at a later date, so keep on your toes for that!)

In this roleplay, I am your best wizarding friend and study partner today, but studying is the last thing on my mind as I am so BORED in this dusty library. During our study session I share with you something that isn't magic but has instructions, a bit like our usual spells, its called 'hypnosis' and with it I can make this whole afternoon more bearable for both of us... 

SUGGESTIONS: This is a roleplay first and foremost so expect a lot of setup in the beginning but trust me it pays off! I use a quick induction to get you into trance and have your IQ linked to a tap in your mind. I use a mixed modalities suggestion to do this and then have you enjoy the dumbness. We also play with speed of dumbing down and I ask you questions about what we were doing, but of course being so stupid by my 'spell' its okay if you forgot all about that! I also talk about a lot of kinesthetic suggestions, placing my hands on your head to seep suggestions into your brain. Overall, it's just a fun, wholesome (enough) IQ play session! The wakeup on this is REALLY QUICK and might not be enough for some people, please keep this in mind.



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