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Day One of HypNovember and I have a text trance for you! Like I mentioned in the last update we will be having a few different formats of trance. If you'd like me to make this into a very quick text trance video let me know. I did start making it but it was taking a lot longer than I wanted. Let me know how it goes below!

It’s when your breathing starts to drop, that’s when you notice it.

The softness of your breath as you continue to breathe,




Small changes that make big differences in your body,

Like a gentle wave of relaxation,

Like a breath that is deeper than before,

Like your mind noticing a new shift.

A softness surrounding you,

Beckoning you to lie here a while

And think of times when you have been so comfortable.

Can you do that?

Think back to a time on a soft bed,

A soft couch,

A place so comforting, it makes everything else seem so distant.

As you remember you unlock a pathway to that time,

Living in those moments in the back of your mind and allowing you to drift,

Wandering and wading through those moments.

Breathe deep,

Focus on your feelings,

Mind and body,

Linking to those pleasant times,

Comforting feelings,

And allow them to take you further.

Deeper and deeper as you delve into your own mind.

And let’s take this even further,

Imagine something for me,

The idea of your mind,

Being wrapped up,


In a warm,



How would that feel?

Your thoughts held so comfortably,

As you sink deeper and deeper down,

Into these wonderful relaxing feelings,

Continuing to sink,

As you continue to read,

Just like this,

That’s right,

And of course it feels wonderful to be here,

To experience these feelings,

Allow them to multiply as you imagine the blanket wrapping around your entire body.

That’s right,

Let that sink in,

As you sink deeper,

And deeper down,


It’s easy to feel these feelings,

And find them coming back to you everytime you read these words,

This text just allowing you to return back to this place,

Every single time.

Allowing yourself to feel so safe and secure,

Comfy and cozy like this,

Until you find yourself clicking off,

Going back to your day.

Being able to easily and effortlessly transition between the place of comforting trance,

And the waking world,

Like right,


Back to yourself,

Back to doing what you need to do.

Until next time…



i personally would be grateful for the video version! <3