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The demon of sloth doesn't get out of bed for just anyone you know, and she's decided you will join her...

LIE DOWN FOR THIS FILE, it is a must as you are going to be sedated and toyed with. In this fantasy file, you meet the demon, Sloth and she is going to make you so relaxed and sleepy, but the catch is once she has you right where she wants you, she will hesitate to let you go. This is similar to the main version except has NONE of the arousal suggestions. They both start the same but end different. 

SUGGESTIONS: This file is all about relaxation torture. Making you resist but knowing you will be so comfy and cozy that you give in anyway and then controlling your mind to the MAX! Basically, the demon of Sloth finds you and chains you to your own bed, making you listen to her words and try to resist her sleepy, sedation spells. Her words drug your mind and make you feel so helpless and obedient for her. Her little pillow pet to control. Unlike the other version which is arousal based this one has more emphasis on obedience, there is a part where she snuggles up to you and kisses your forehead but that's all. There is a suggestion that you will sink deeper and deeper into her control until a timer goes off, allowing you to stay trapped here in helpless obedience for as long as you like, after the time goes off you will be reminded of her control for the next minute or so and it will all fade after that!


Full edit in the attachments and single vocal track edit in the audio bar!



This is an absolutely awesome experience. I have never been so deep and beyond totally relaxed ever before. Kept looping over and over. Thank You Miss Subject.


I love going deeper and deeper so helpless. Bond so strong.


The ending was absolute torture. Massive feelings of obedience met the need to disobey. I wonder what the after effects will be?