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So, as hinted at on my stream today this month I am doing a SEVEN SINS DEMON series! Each demon will have a fun adventure for you to go on, starting with this from PRIDE!

You meet the Demon of Pride who has been hunting you for some time, but don't think she's ever going to let you out of her sights again...

This is a fantasy, roleplay file, perfect for people who want to play along and be part of the story. It starts with the demon finding you and taking you back to her lair, there you see the plans she has for you. She has decided YOU are perfect for her new, prized possession, her display dolly. You see a bunch of her other toys and how blank and mindless they are, and she casts her demonic magic on you to make you as empty-headed and controlled as they are. 

SUGGESTIONS: This is a fantasy file so it's aimed at people who like the role play and a lot is left up to your imagination to fill in the pieces. There is doll play in this file and you will be transformed into a doll through the means of demonic spells (so keep that in mind). This file has NO WAKEUP, if you'd like a wakeup version let me know. There is also a little bit of stripping in this file so it won't be for everyone but this is very much a everything is happening in your mind time. I can't wait to see how you like this one. If you have trouble getting into it, as there is no formal induction, feel free to add it with your fave induction as a playlist and see how that works! 

Also, there are two versions of this file. The main version is in the audio player and the other is attached below. One has a backing track (main version) and the other doesn't.




This sounds wickedly delicious. Can't wait for You to take over.


👍 for sharing both versions I like the backing but it is a bit too loud for me to be able to understand the words in the full version. I created a mix for myself with -12db on the full track and thanks to the two being perfectly in sync, it's just the right atmosphere to enjoy. It's a really nice trip into fantasy.