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So, September was a lot less productive content wise than I would have liked and for this I am so sorry. Things have been very difficult lately with being able to stay inspired to create with all my medical bits and pieces. Depression was all over, body aches and pains were a mixed bag and now I am destressing some more (and medicating with a new thing prescribed by my doctors) things are looking better. 

What did I make this month?

We started the month strong with Therapist Arch-Nemesis! This is actually a file I was really into, as it took a turn I didn't even expect it to. Check that out here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/therapist-to-pet-41141383 

Then I asked for your requests because my goal was to make a couple of these, this however didn't happen. On the bright side, I have saved my fave ideas to a new google spreadsheet which I will be keeping ideas for a rainy day. Once I am back 100% in full production mode like I used to be these will come in handy. 

I did however make a request from a livestream, a looping fractionation file! This loop is mere minutes but is perfect for being able to play for as long as you like on a loop! I also posted this to YouTube where it has become a fast, fan fave! https://www.patreon.com/posts/endless-looping-41730002 

After this I started work on my pet project this month, The Secret Subject database! Hosted on my website www.keep-it-trancey.com this will house links to EVERY FILE EVER! So far I have posted over 300 links and Alice is hard at work coding a special tagging system for easy find of patreon and youtube hypnosis experiences! With this, I discovered some of the lost Archive Tier files which I started posting. https://www.patreon.com/posts/endless-looping-41730002 

Then I started on last months Frozen and Aroused request and while I didn't make the file a full hour, you sure can make the experience as long as you like! There was a special Arousal Edit which is a patreon exclusive and the SFW version was posted to YouTube this week. https://www.patreon.com/posts/frozen-in-place-41961961 

I have also been streaming every Friday morning (NZDT 9:30 am, or just check the YouTube links they convert it into your own timezone) where I will do a Q&A chat session followed by hypnosis as requested by viewers. This has been a really great way to share what's been happening in my life plus a little behind the scenes sneak onto what happens with my work, plus some absolutely awesome hypnosis. Check the description links for CW and timestamp to the hypnosis. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg4BQZB2YYxY8ha3eVDyY8EszHzUTz3Sr 

Finally, on the 3rd (most of your 2nd of Oct as support is processing tonight!) I will be releasing the Secret File and this one is EPIC. Not one but FOUR different versions of this file will be released. Nine layers of audio, submission based brainwashing making you more submissive towards me, one version has a fractionation theme, one is an HFO or just experience it all at nearly 45 minutes LONG! The sample is here if you want to know what you are getting, please remember that once I have sent the file and it is posted in the Archive Tier that's it. https://www.patreon.com/posts/overload-sample-42184046 

So, now its the spooky season and I have some PLANS for this. I won't tell you what they are right now as I don't want to spoil any surprises or rise any expectations but the goal is two videos on YouTube per week and one on patreon. (More if I have time). 

Thank you all for your continued support! I cannot thank you all enough for the amazing opportunity to do this as a job and continue to make high quality hypnosis for all of you!

XOXO The Secret Subject


Quinn Goodall

Just because it wasn't as productive as you would have liked doesn't mean it was any less amazing for the work you put out though! You need these breaks as much as anyone else


Glad to hear the new treatment seems to be working for you. The work you've put out this month has been great and I have been able to join in with your livestreams but I've been catching up with them on youtube and they've been enjoyable to watch. Thank you for all your hard work Secret Subject.


Well, in my opinion it is right to keep your cool ideas, so to speak, for a rainy day, you should 100% need them soon! Be in a great mood!