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Returning to the Dark Castle we redo the initial lead in to the first series. Back through the forest, into the courtyard and finding a mysterious gemstone along with your captor, the wicked enchantress. 

This file is a fantasy file, told as a story and like a kinky guided meditation of sorts. During this adventure the enchantress takes things a little further, ensnaring you with her magic even more than before. You will be asked to call her your Queen as she sinks you deep in her emerald magic. There is a little bit of a D/s theme in this file and a lot of language around being trapped here in the castle forever. Remember, this is just a fantasy and at any time if you feel uncomfortable you can wake up easily.

SUGGESTIONS: During this scene we will implant a trigger, the words "Dark Castle Activate" with a snap are the key to coming back to this scenario, one where your Queen controls you completely as her spell traps you in her power. Also, there is an amnesia suggestion at the end where every time you try to remember this fantasy it gets further and further away from you, fading like a distant dream. Aside from that all the suggestions are part of the fantasy scenario with magic spells sending tingles through your body, being captured by an evil enchantress and feeling sensations of warmth by a fire and drugged by a sleeping spell at some point. 



Quinn Goodall

I've been trying to drop suggestions for it for a while. I'm so excited to listen to this!


Awesome The Dark Castle series is a favourite of mine and going there is always an enjoyable experience.

Quinn Goodall

Just listened to it. So excited for the next DC release you put out!


Great that you've revisited the Dark Castle series. Thanks. I very much appreciate both the narrative and the embedded commands and story-mediated suggestions (e.g. the sense of well-being resulting not from a direct description of experience, but mediated by the effect of the gem). Nice.