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In this immersive role play fantasy experience, you call the office of The Secret Subject but find yourself on hold. Normally this would be a boring experience but there's something about her music that seems vaguely, hypnotic...

This was a logistic nightmare of a file but I loved creating it. Layers of audio start off quite quiet and start to slowly envelop your mind in ideas of being blank and empty as well as anchoring the words, "please hold" to become powerful hypnotic triggers that will blank out your mind each time they are spoken, and it's a lot. While this goes on behind the scenes in a dual audio format the main track is a slow count down, dropping you deeper and deeper before you finally get to speak to The Secret Subject herself. Primed and ready for what she has in store for you. 

The bonus patreon only segment is all about obedience and control as well as discussing the idea of calling me in your fantasies and how sexy that could be. This may or may not be bait for an upcoming video I have planned so stay tuned... A new trigger is given to you, whenever I say a certain phrase you will respond with 'yes Miss' as well as be very responsive to the idea of being my good little submissive. It is aimed to make you feel very submissive in the moment. Once the file ends there is an amnesia suggestion, all you need to remember is that you were a good little submissive for Miss Subject and the rest will fade away to the back of your mind. 

TLDR: This file contains...

  • Has lots of subliminal layered audio and will require headphones for listening
  • The bonus ending will make you more submissive to me and has two triggers
  • One is amnesia and the other is a call and response trigger that when I say a phrase you will respond with 'Yes Miss' while hypnotized (or not)
  • Implants ideas about being involved in fantasies where you are called and hypnotized maybe even without knowing about it
  • Obedience and control talk
  • The first part is all about being blank and empty to the trigger word 'Please Hold' which will last only during this hypnosis session


Quinn Goodall

Thank you Miss Subject for this file! I love the control you have with this file, definitely multiple listens here


Ahhh glad you like it! This is something I've had on my mind for a long time but have waited to make it properly and do it justice, very happy you like it.


Great file, thank you so much! I started listening while working on a document...that didn’t last long as last thing I remember was my thoughts turning to treacle...


Brilliant as always!

Lucio Amante

Wow...That was a brilliant idea, perfectly developed and it took me craazy deep...really amazing work.


Don’t remember much of this one other than feeling very nice afterwards!


Thats so great, Thank you Mistress


Thank you Miss Subject. This was a wonderful file. I loved the layers, even though I could not really understand. Right now, I just feel good, happy, and very submissive to you. I hope you have a great day, Miss.


I had to listen to this one twice because I was totally blanked on the first time and couldn't remember a thing. I had to listen again to know that I am a very good little submissive for you, Miss Subject. I feel like this hold induction should be the start for every session of yours except the Fantasy ones.


Also tremendous work on this. I love the use of sound in left, right, and center. I love the increase from subliminal to overt, and from suggesting to commanding. Beautiful. 😍


fantasy role playing is my favourite. and you are so good at leading it. thank you for these types of files. they are so much fun!


I... What? Very, very clever, and very, very good. Much applause in your general direction.


I think of all of your files, this one is hands down my favorite! I just can't help but keep coming back to it!