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Sorry for the delay on this one, I had actually considered re-recording the entire thing and starting over but here it is anyway. Thank you to everyone who came to hang out with Alice and I last Friday, it was such a fun regardless of the awful timing. If you would like a redo of this one let me know.

I wanted to make a file that was a "traditional" induction, deepener and suggestion. So in this we take you into a trance state, look deeply into your subconscious mind and unplug your mind for a moment. Leaving you completely entranced and relaxed for a moment. This would be great to have as a relaxation session or without the wake-up could make a great sleep file. 

The suggestions are just that we unplug your mind and then re-plug it and wake you up. It's very quick and simple (mostly because while I was recording, Pippa was attacking Alice who was trying to trance out on the floor of my office). 




Sounds good and hope Alice's trance wasn't too badly disrupted by that scamp Pippa.


Aww thank you for that! He sat on her face towards the end so she gave up. Haha hes a total scamp.