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So this was something I was working on last week and didn't get finished because of multiple tech hiccups. I wanted to post it anyway as a "hey check out what the new sound could be like" but also keep in mind it is unfinished and IMO I wouldn't really call this a full session.

This is based around the idea of "would you kindly" from the BioShock games. Eventually once some stuff and things are sorted and I'm in a better place to make it I want to redo and really give it justice.

For those who don't know, the words "would you kindly" in the game is a powerful trigger that when followed by a command is just accepted and obeyed regardless. In this file we talk about the powerful drug that runs through you, implanted in you from birth and now I'm going to take full advantage as I remind you what it means. There is a lot of talk about the nature of choice and will and how you clearly aren't a person, people have choice, slaves do not and you must be a slave. Keep in mind I added some safeties around this about the one choice you get to make being that of who controls you but aside from that, this was just a quick freestyle that I really wasn't too happy with, aside from the editing on the audio.




If only it were really possible to be Your slave. i would do anything. Anything


one of your snaps had me almost jumping out of my chair. it was so unexpected! it might be unfinished but i enjoyed it a lot. it has promise. are you going to - or did you already - finish it?


Hmm. There's one of the SubjectCorp ones has someone saying "Would you kindly..." in the wrap-up. My brain was all like "Whoa! WTF? Have I been..?" I kinda wish I had a photo of my moment of reflexive gamer panic😅