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Firstly let me explain this new format. So, at the beginning of the month I asked for ideas for files and now I've had some time to create a few I wanted to ask you, my higher tier patrons what you would like to see first! 

Here are the files I have created based on your ideas, and the winning file will hit patreon next week! The rest will be released at a later date, so choose wisely... Good luck! Also I didn't name the people who's ideas these were but you can probably guess if you look back at the OG post. If this is something you would like to be credited for then next month add that with your idea. 

Executive Assistant: Half hypnotic fantasy, half hypnosis POV role play audio. You are interviewing for the role of Executive Assistant to The Secret Subject and while she seems nice enough, she has a keen eye for how see wants to train you to better fit the position. This file includes some nudity, collars and leashes and completing a small ritual for her which while normally humiliating for some, for you you don't care as long as you are all hers...

Deep Trance Tease: Well, this idea took a small D/s turn. I'm sorry (not) for how alluring this file is going to be for you. This is a tease, plain and simple, where we slowly fractionate you into trance, but never going all the way down until I tell you too. This one is fairly simple, despite me adding a little bit of my dominant flair to the trance language and I can see this one becoming an instant classic for people looking to take their trance training to the next level. It has an optional wake up and might get a redo in the future because while IMO the take was awesome I did have some strange popping in the mic that I cleaned up in post, but still. 

Would You Kindly?: This is something I've actually been asked to make several times now and haven't because-- and don't cancel me for this-- I've never played Bioshock. *GASP* I know, it's on my to play list and maybe I'll have to download it for my PC and play it as we stream and uncover it's hypnokinky potential. So, I've spent the last couple days getting my head around the "would you kindly" thing and decided to make a file where, like in the game you have been programmed from birth without your knowledge to respond to that seemingly safe phrase. But what will you do? You'll have to find out... This track is based in kink but also will install the trigger phrase for future use by me and any friends you may have that are also huge nerds. 


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