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Hey everyone! Here is a quick update on some secret projects I have in the works! 

Firstly, as patrons of mine I'm going to show you a super secret document, a script I wrote for an upcoming collab with a person who I've never made a file with before. I can tell you that they also make hypnosis content on the internet and we have very similar styles when it comes to hypnosis, and it's someone who has been interviewed by me before. Post your guess as to who it might be in the comments below, I'm curious to who you think it could be...

I've been really down on content lately, and I know part of this is because of the strict lock down rules we have had in NZ and part of it is because after the second house move in the last six months I was feeling burnt out. But, on this front I have some good news. Alice goes back to work full time tomorrow (and not from home) so we are finally going back to our old schedules and routines! This means that I can get back to business in terms of videos and file creation. 

Also. I have seen and LOVED some of your ideas. This week my focus is on creating a few of them and by Wednesday I'll have a poll out to see which file you want to see first! This is going to be a chance for the higher tiers to have more of a behind the scenes input into what gets posted first. I also have another episode of the podcast, HypnoKink News read to post today! The last episode got some great responses so hopefully we can keep that going moving forward. 

Thanks for the continued support! 

I can't wait for you to read this new script... (Don't judge me too harshly, I NEVER write scripts before I record so this is a bit special.)

XOXO The Secret Subject