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This really was a session where I just decided to do whatever the heck I felt like at the time! It has a real one on one quality because that's exactly what this is. So, to set the scene, imagine you and I met up for a session and you didn't really know what you wanted but you like control and the idea of a little resistance play. Et voila! This is it. 

So the original idea (and where the file begins is with a quick resistance/tiny confused based overload induction. I modelled a little bit of what I was doing after a 7+-2, followed by some fun suggestions. We have body control and a little name amnesia (because people keep asking) and of course I take full advantage of this by changing your name to 'TOY'. There is a lot of active suggestions in this one, so treat it a little like a stage hypnosis file there will be moving around and lots of fractionation between segments. The language in this is D/s leaning so keep that in mind when you listen. 

TLDR: This session includes

  • Body manipulation and controlled movement
  • Name amnesia and replacement
  • Resistance play
  • Confusion style induction
  • Fractionation
  • Being called a 'TOY' and being told I can do whatever I want with you
  • You being told how much you love the idea of me taking control
  • Everything but the kitchen sink, seriously what was I thinking when I made this video?! (Thanks mandatory countrywide lock down)



Resistance Induction and So Much More... (A Session with The Secret Subject)

Fixation, stage hypnosis suggestions and more.


Barking Alien

i may have my name back but I am still your Toy and always will be. Amazing video.

Lucio Amante

It was a very nice video. I'll admit the session like files are my favourites, several suggestions, fractionation with different inductions...and this one again reminded me why I love that kind of file so much :)


The first time name amnesia worked on me, so great video :)


That was intense. The general smug supervillain vibe early in the video was brilliant, as well as suggestions that flowed through each other. 7+2 using different inductions as the the things to keep in your head was amazing, and then mixing in butterfly as well. Amnesia worked, which it rarely does, so that was cool.


Wow, I didn’t want this one to end. You are a pleasure for the eyes, ears, and the mind!


I did actually forget my name. And I did try to resist. I’m remembering everything now (I think?). Very cool.


it became too tiring to resist. and i didn't want to resist. i fought that too because you told me to resist. oh my gosh! so much to fight. i just couldn't do it anymore. giving in, giving up, felt so good...


Where did this video go?