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Are you ready to get fucked, slut? You'd better be... This is a little bit of hypnosis mixed with a WHOLE lotta mind fucking, strap on fantasy. Basically, I take your face and fuck it so hard your brain slides out of your head and into a puddle on the floor. It is created to be an intense level of degradation and some serious sucking my strap on dick. Afterwards, when your brain is just. a little gooey puddle, I have you touch yourself and then suck on your fingers, to replace the empty feeling left by my cock. 

There is a little fractionation in the beginning and a lot of teasing you leading up to the image of me straddling you and sliding my dick into the hole on your face, before I fuck your brain out. There are no lasting triggers, this is an all in one experience. Keep in mind the level of intensity of this one is quite high. Only listen if this is something you really want to do. Also some of the language used veers into non-con territory. So before you listen please understand that by reading this and playing the track you are consenting to that. This is very sexual in nature and made to make you feel used and like a toy. You have been warned. 

This is gender neutral and open to anyone who likes the idea of me with a strap on dick! 




Holy MindFuck, Batman!


Afraid I have to yell out my safe word and forgo this one. You are definitely scary, but in a good way!


I've been following you off and on over the years on tumblr, starting about the time you were beginning to transition to your Dom role. It has been a delight to watch your confidence grow over time and for you to tackle subjects that you probably wouldn't have publicly in the past. You really have blossomed, Miss. Thanks. I'm guessing that you perform these with Alice present and that seeing those reactions start you breaking out into laughter; it's like a bonus Easter egg in the file, haha.


I actually don’t, Alice never hears any of what I’m filming 😂 but thank you for the kind words, you know I’m learning what I’m okay with and what I’m not more as I go along. I think that is the most important part of making these files. Also I made a custom along these lines previously but it was gendered by request so I wanted to remake it.


This one was awesome and definitely satisfied a lot of urges. I never imagined hearing you speak like this but it was wonderful and I would happily beg for seconds!


Mmm, will there please be a follow-up to this file? 🤤😮😯😮


This file was so raw and delicious - I loved it. my mouth is Yours.

Chris Harris

This was fun, and I like the way you say "fuck". Now, you didn't fuck my mind *completely* out of my head, but that's largely because I was suddenly overwhelmed with the need to say "I'm such a dirty little whore" over and over, and I needed to keep enough of my mind so that I could keep saying it. Also, I kept pouting as you were starting to take me back to normal. 😂.

Peloton Toned

An absolute dream in audio form. I'd give a standing ovation but I'm still on my knees and my mouth is a bit too used and drooling to speak.


Oh, Miss Subject, this was the best. My heart broke when you said you were going to stop and bring me up. This was so Good and NOWHER near enough. I need a video sequel to this, Miss Subject. That would be worth top tier. The bitter taste of my fingers are still in my mouth. What would it take, Miss Subject, to convince you to make a video sequel to this?? Give us a task, a goal, a hope, a prayer, Miss Subject. Please?


Thank you Miss, your brainless little slut enjoyed their fucking so so much. May I have seconds pretty pleeeeease?


This is an amazing file with deep and direct language that is hypnotic and deep in emotional connection to Ms. Subject. This is a different flavor from my norm. I wanted to try the more naughtier versions. I was pleased and enthralled. .


This is an awesome file.


This was very intense and amazing. Yes Miss Subject, I would like seconds, please, please, please


Im sumbissive... and...Breedable ..


This is a wonderful experience. Thank you Miss Subject. Please may I have seconds. Please can you fuck my mind and mouth again.