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So, we lost our house.

The virus has affected many but I didn’t even think it would get us like this. As of this morning alice and I have lost our house. We have been issued a 42 day notice to leave the house so the owners can come back home due to corona virus. We have found a couple more we are looking at but all are wayyy high above our price point because that’s the perials of living in NZ right now.

I just wanted to share this because over the next month things like posting could get a little all over the place while we scramble to fix this. Thank you for all your support and if you want to help you can do so by sharing the content around, telling people so we can grow.

XOXO The Secret Subject


Donald Gilmore

So sorry to hear about your problems. :-( I hope things turn around soon. I greatly appreciate and enjoy your work.

BZArcher (Blind Zen Archer)

This is horrible news. Is it actually legal for them to do that? One way or another I hope you can find a safe landing spot ASAP!


It is actually, one of the only ways to uproot someone is if the owners or a family member want to move back in and live at the property. As well, this means we have 42 days rather than 90 for bad behaviour. We are looking at a couple places but the rent is near double what we pay now so it’s going to be hard for a little while.


That sucks so badly. I'm sorry.

Barking Alien

Well that is unfair and ultra-crappy. I prefer the US rule of, 'You moved out. Someone else moved in. It isn't yours anymore.' That said, I hope you find something soon and I am sure you will. I'm here routing for you. Fingers and toes crossed that you find something really great, very quickly. XOXOXO