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You've been referred to me for treatment of your controlling nature and disorder around letting go, don't worry I'm an expert in fixing this...

In this video I play an evil therapist who is going to not only brainwash you but pleasure condition you to my whims. That's right, this file is an arousal/pleasure conditioning fantasy where you are told to lose control and masturbate right in the office! Be careful, doing so just might shatter your mind upon your release...

This is full on role play domination and conditioning. It works on pleasure conditioning you to like losing control to a powerful person, if that's not your thing, this isn't for you. 

This is pleasure conditioning, a form of behaviour conditioning that uses your arousal and touch as a stimuli for training you to enjoy being submissive. It also is a heavy role play about a therapist who takes you, brainwashes/hypnotises you to become empty and obedient rather than in control. It also has no official wake up, you will end this file pleasuring yourself until you orgasm, upon so your mind will shatter into pieces before you calm down and get back to yourself. This could be VERY intense for some people, prepare yourself prior. 



The Treatment (Kinky Evil Therapist Role Play & Pleasure Conditioning) HypNovember Day 29_ Doctor.mp4