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You've been infected with the zombification hypnosis, I guess you'll just have to be deeply hypnotized...

In this video you've been infected by my voice and turned into a mindless zombie. This virus is highly contagious and doesn't just move through the air but also through the soundwaves. The infection starts in your body and makes it way to your mind, making you blank and empty and only able to shuffle around like a zombie and repeat the words, "I am deeply hypnotized". So, listen and make sure you have plenty of space for moving around. 

This is for anyone who wants a trigger to make you zombie walk around in a mindless state. It also references infections and the idea that you will be emptily shuffling and mumbling. 

This file moves you through the stages of your infection with the zombification virus as well as tests the trigger out a couple of times to reinforce it. It has triggers that involve moving around and repeating a mantra so make sure you have the time and space to do this. It also makes the trigger one you can use with others your trust so enjoy! 




So I haven't gotten to listen to this yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm such a zombie nerd, so this just makes me ridiculously happy for no reason at all.

Lucio Amante

That was incredibly intense...the trigger testing brought a whole new meaning to the word "fractionation" and each time I was brought out of the zombie state I nearly lost balance because I was just that lost I think.


This worked too well holy shit 😂 could you do more of these but instead of zombie could you do more puppet hypnosis?