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Welcome to HypNovember! This first file is just something basic because day ones art option was to draw a base character. So, I have decided to do something new for me, combine my favourite induction The Fractionation Induction with my least favourite, The Progressive Relaxation Induction. 

This file is just a basic induction with a little bit of an imaginative element of taking you to a quiet and safe place and then a wake up. If you want a version without the wake up part, comment below and I'll sort that out for you! 

I hope you like it and I'll be keen to hear what you think! 




Wait... there are OPTIONS? Umm... *raises hand* No wake-up please? (In all seriousness, I just signed up today for your Patreon because I've decided to embrace the joy of Hypnosis that I've just let slide for so long. I'll update to the *actual tier I want* tomorrow with the reset, but I'm looking forward to going through the file list and seeing what wonders have been created)

Lucio Amante

Only your voice and skills can make so effective the induction I hate the most in the world: the progressive relaxation one XD (Glad those feelings are mutual btw) But amazing kick-off of Hypnovember. *Checks the calendar* It's gonna be a craazy month.


What a wonderful little file, Miss! Even with a cursory listen, your voice calms and soothes my body and mind. It's is a wonderful start to this ambitious endeavor. November is going to be quite a ride!