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Thank you all for your support and patience with the website. I have both good and bad news about it. 

The good news is the website is now again active and running in a way that makes my life easier with being able to update it regularly. The downside to what system I am using is that I can't have individual buttons for each patreon track and thus you'll have to rely on the patreon tag system going forward.

That said, I have a new tag system which you may have noticed, the end of the month mass posts. Not only does that recap me about whats been done but also makes work easier to find. I'm also tagging files with the month/year now so it should make things a little easier to work around.

Please check out the website and let me know your thoughts, I would love the feedback and if anyone has any file testimonials that would be appreciated. 

XOXO The Secret Subject


Home of The Secret Subject Hypnosis

Whether you are looking for sexy and seductive or self empowerment, The Secret Subject has hypnosis files for every need and taste!



Looks fabulous, Miss!


awsome ♥