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In this file we store a toybox in the back of your mind that holds your inner toy, waiting to hear the magic words and be let out to play. You will learn how toys play and how amazing it will feel once someone takes control of you and let's you live as your toy self. They will choose what to play, what role you are in their games and how long to play for, and all you will be able to do is smile a happy, empty smile, and stare with your vacant eyes.   

This file is for those who like the idea of being an empty headed, brainwashed toy and the aim of this file is to set up the toybox as well as put you in the space between the human world and the realm of the toys. It's very immersive with it's subliminals and backing music box playing and could be a little intense for some.   

This file gives you a trigger, and as usual comes with all the safety language of your subconscious needing to trust the person that you play with and being in the right time and place for the trigger to work, but it would be cool to hear about any toy adventures you would like to go on in the future. I have a couple of ideas in mind to take this further.



I couldn't seem to find file 1 of this. Is it under a different name?