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Okay, so I had a wonderful time with some of you yesterday on the call! Thank you for everyone who came to listen in on the recording of "You Are So Easy". 

A lot of people have been asking me about the secret file so here it is, from this stage onwards the secret files will be going to those in the $15 tier and upwards, because these will be slightly adult in nature I would like to keep it that way. Once the support has gone through and those in those tiers have their file, I will be putting the secret file in the Archive Tier, so, if you miss out it will be for sale either on the website or on here for $50+ per month. 

This months file is a DOOZY, I took a lot of time editing it and making it really special, it's a different kind of tone for me but I think it sets the scene for how I want my loops to sound going forward. They take more time to produce but for the listener they give a more immersive experience. It's as was promised last month, Empty Toy Brainwashing Two!

Another thing I would  like to ask is, live streams vs discord calls. Would you prefer a monthly discord call where I record the trance like yesterday or a live stream where I trance you? This would be for ALL TIERS so it would have a slightly mature edge but still relatively SFW.

Thanks for all the support!
XOXO The Secret Subject


Lucio Amante

I'd not mind both, maybe a livestream for everyone and discord calls with slightly more adult content for higher tiers...or the other way around?

Lucio Amante

If I had to choose once...Live streams, you're too beautiful to pass the chance to watch you on video ;)


Maybe both but different each month...mix them up randomly to keep us on your toes😂🤣


Huh. Guess I was expecting the new approach for things like the monthly files to be in effect for July, rather than June. Ah well, perhaps I misunderstood.


So does this mean that Junes Secret File required an upgrade to the 15 dollar tier before the end of June? I didn't realise that. I had assumed as the previous 10 dollar reward included a secret file that when the payment went through at the start of June I was garunteed a Secret File. Am I misunderstanding or is that correct?.