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CONTENT WARNING: This is a story/fantasy/text trance that is all about being taken and programmed by an email. There is an opportunity to continue this story by messaging me on NiteFlirt and seeing where the fantasy can go. This involves themes of slavery, being corrupted, brainwashing, and evil corporations taking you and making you theirs. 

Lights flash as the computer screen shows the same old email inbox. Nothing new, just the boring old spam mail, work mail, advertisements. You scroll down the page just in case you missed something important. Nothing. But wait, something catches your eye. 

"Are You Ready To Live Your Best Life?" 

What does that even mean? You open the message and skim over it and notice it's from a place called Subject Corp. You don't remember seeing that name before, or subscribing to a newsletter recently. It's probably just junk mail. Best read it just in case. 

"By opening this email you are taking the first step into your new life. Well done. Now the next step to living your best life is to follow this link here. Once clicking it you will give yourself over to Subject Corp and understand there is no going back."

That's weird, you think to yourself. You don't want to accidentally sign yourself up to something without knowing what's in store, but also the curiosity in you peaks. It won't make a difference if you just click and take a look, right? I mean, how dangerous can a link be...


The screen begins to flash and whirl with a giant spiral forming in the middle. Words flash and the room seems to fade away around you. That's when you hear the voice echoing around you. 

"Welcome to our Email Slave programming. By clicking the link you have agreed to sign yourself over to a lifetime of servitude to SUbject Corp and our associates. Now, the first step is your reprogramming, so sit back, relax and enjoy the words melting your mind." 

The feelings of watching the spiral make you feel funny. It's unlike anything you've ever experienced, almost like the world is drifting further and further away from you as the spiral consumes you. The words flashing in your eyes seem to echo through your mind with ideas. 


Again and again they seem to spiral through your entire being. Programming you. Changing you. Taking everything you thought you knew about your place in the world and flipping it around. 

You need to serve
You were made to obey
You are compelled to do as we ask
You belong to Subject Corp

You lose track of the minutes, hours, staring at the screen. Time ceases to exist anymore and even if it did, it becomes less of a concern to you. All you can do it watch as the screen reprogrammes your thoughts, training you to serve. Images of people kneeling, being inspected as they stand to attention, wearing a plain black uniform start to overwhelm the screen. You realise this is your new life, this is what is planned for you, and this will be you. 

You can imagine yourself being like that. How good it will feel as you obey and how regardless of what you thought you knew before, you know now that this is right. This is your place. 

You must obey
You need to obey
Obedience is your only thought
You only think of obeying
You belong to Subject Corp

It's helpless to resist the training it feels too good now. So natural and normalised in your mind. This is your place. You would give anything to find your controller and be a good slave. A willing slave to the Corp. A notice flashes up on the screen. 

"Phase two complete. Click here for stage three." 


You don't even think about it, it feels so instinctual, natural to do as the screen says at this point. 

"You will learn to obey us completely by doing a series of tasks, tests to prove your loyalty to Subject Corp. To begin you will email us and tell us that you are ready to be programmed further and we will give you instructions on where the training will go next."

You sit there dazed, part of you knows what to do and yet, something holds you back. Your previous life. Everything you know, everything you've worked for, could be gone in an instant. Some part of you reminds you of the things you would leave behind. Is it worth it? A momentary pleasure of obedience, being a slave to the email, is it worthwhile?

Now, it's your turn to make the choice. Continue your programming or not. 

To continue, message me here and tribute to your brainwashing (https://www.niteflirt.com/SecretSubject https://www.niteflirt.com/messages/click_payment_button?id=436968512), otherwise thank you for reading this story, send me some feedback below if you like! 

This is part of a new series of emailing brainwashing items that I am planning for y'all. It could be a bit of fun to have yourself engrossed in the fantasy in a way that is not permanent but still a fun time. 



Feels so good to be made to serve and obey


This idea gets me so hot. I want to be a slave to Subject Corp.


I belong to Subject Corp I need to obey