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Everyone always tells me I am such a control freak and they are right, I love to have control and I'll take it however I can. So, try to resist me as we play tug of war with your will and I cheat my way to the top. 

Target Audience
This has themes of D/s, control and lack thereof, pleasure conditioning, cumming on command and being at my mercy. If this sounds like something you would be into then this file is for you!

In order to take all your control, mind and will away from you I am going to distract you with pleasure. I can give it and I can take it. It becomes a choice, pleasure and no control or all the control and none of the pleasure, which of course I will then decide for you. There is also elements of mantra repeating to get you nice and mindless for the finale. 


Control Freak.mp4



Not bad. I guess I need to listen to more of your pleasure conditioning files...I'm a bit behind, but you were on point with this. Perfect tempo and great idea. Loving your talent. You will make a great therapist.💖💖💖


Good stuff definitely a strong they live vibe with the obey stuff btw. Stay golden