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So, I was telling people on the livestream this morning that I am going to be moving away from YouTube a little to keep my hub my new website.

If you haven't already checked I have included Patreon links and hubs for free files and later on videos. (when I have the time) It's taking a while to set up as you can imagine and being that this is a HUGE undertaking on my part will be a process that takes a week or two to finish.

This new system is going to solve a multitude of issues, 

  • Firstly, people who can't find or search for what they are looking for will be pleased to know that because it has patreon links too you can now search for the exact topics you are looking for. 
  • New (free) content gets posted there first (after patreon of course) so this limits the time spent making videos.
  • I can post whatever I like for free and no one will take me down. This means that all my educational kink vlogs etc won't be compromised by YouTube's rules and algorithms. 
  • It has new features like blogging and soon to be forum that will be more user friendly. 

Thank you to everyone here for the support! I have some fun new things in the work but I am also suffering a little bit with my health so, I'm trying to take it easier than I have most months. 

Check out the website here https://www.keep-it-trancey.com 

XOXO The Secret Subject



The new website looks good.


Did the new website go away?


Now this is something I talked about briefly on twitter, I am in the works of updating the website with a new system that is easier for both me and for listeners. Unfortunately for patrons it means a broad tag rather than links to files but I plan to keep doing the monthly updates post with links to what happened each month and tag via months as well on the patron tag system, by the end of the day the new website should be live and hopefully as great as the old one if not better!