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Hey everyone!

So, some of you might have noticed the delightful comments I've been receiving lately from one (ex) patron about this page being a scam. Firstly I cannot believe I have to say this but we all know this is not the truth. I work really hard to try and give you lots of content throughout the year and while month to month the tracks and themes may differ I just wanted to let you know that I take complaints and concerns that people bring me seriously and do my best to fix them how I can.

That person has been refunded their money and blocked from the page. However, this got me thinking about some of what has been said in the exit surveys and how I can make all this better for you all. 

So, if you have a question, concern or issue of the patron variety please contact me first via discord either in the patreon channel (and ping me if you think I might miss it) or by DM. Please keep in mind with this that I cannot physically be awake 24/7 but I will get back to you ASAP with some sort of solution or response. Second port of call is patreon DM, however because or all the messages I get here on the daily this will take a few days to get looked at. I work 20 hours a week for a charity and teach drama once a week AS WELL as YouTube and this Patreon page as I have to to make ends meet, this means I don't get around to looking here daily. 

If you are not a part of the discord channel I highly recommend coming in and getting access to the secret patron chat for all my lovely listeners and secret supporters. Seriously, it's a good way for us to chat, get to know each other, and talk about updates as they happen. It's also a place where I post a lot of my life stuff and take requests so you can tell me feedback as I am recording which is amazing for some people who get to see their ideas come to life from an idea they posted, to a full fledged file. 

Here is the link to the discord https://discord.gg/cSvSRJT

I'm sorry for having to stress this all again since the issue was not with the 99.9% of you wonderful people, but I hate the idea of making people unhappy or upset with me. 

XOXO The Secret Subject 


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