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Okay so someone has taken their liking of my work too far and has been harassing me since about January this year. If anyone gets contacted by the person in the video about me please ignore them. I’ve blocked them now multiple times on multiple platforms and they haven’t taken anything we have asked them to do in regards to leaving me alone on board.


The Secret Subject

So cyber stalking is something I take really seriously. If you hear from this person in regards to messaging me or getting in touch with me, I really don't want to. They have been nothing but...



I always been wondering about you showing your real face to us. I can see how that's important to you or some of your followers, but at the same time I value my privacy enough that it'd feel to me like danger. I know it's too late for such a "tip", but I wish you'd be free from freaks like these...


Thanks for the support. Honestly it’s not the face thing because said “stalking” is not going to harm me IRL but it’s the constant harassment online. So what they do is they find all my socials and message me constantly, sometimes begging to talk to me, sometimes getting angry and calling me names. Basically they want me to play with them and I said no, like I do because I don’t know them and it sparked all this.