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Did you miss me? Well they always say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I believe it makes the submission to me stronger, let me show you how... 

This file is very submission heavy and through it I will wrap my words around your mind and make my control over you even stronger, and yes I said MY control. This is a taster of what is to come and will make you beg for more each and every time. This is very conversational in approach and aims to drop you into a nice deep trance for me, knowing that each time I drop you like this you can't help but to fall deeper into trance and deeper under my spell... 

This is specifically for those people who like the idea of submission for me, and for those who want to experience a nice deep level of trance with their submission. It is gentle in it's overall approach and will relax you into obedience once I have seen how desperate for me you are. 

This file has no lasting suggestions however during the file you will be made to crave me, think about me and submit to me. There is mantra reciting and begging for me to take full control of you and drop you. There are heavy submission themes and it is full of ideas around submitting to me completely and totally as well as thinking about me to the point of needing me to drop you down deep. Also the idea that each time I drop you down like this you will find a new depth of trance. There is mention of you referring to me as, "Miss" so if titling someone is not something you want then I would avoid this file. 





Thank you Miss for a great file. It's good to have back and it sounds like you had a great time during your trip ti visit Alice.


What happened all i know is i feel camle loved and wanted i dont get to feel loved and wanted much at all love you so mach in repectful saveboy context your the only person that has helped me live my dream of really strickt ds