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This file was one I was actually really happy to redo, and this time it's full on, no-holds barred me vs your ability to resist me. Let's go. 

This file will make you resist me but within that I will NLP you, change your mind until you melt like putty into my voice. The whole idea of this file is that I will make you dumb in order to soften you up so you can't resist and simply fall into trance. I really go to town with the dumbing down, taking my time so you can really enjoy the emptying of your mind as you push back against my words with your resistance. Let's see how long you last... 

This is really about the feeling of dumbness and the resistance, so this file is for anyone who loves those two states of being. Anyone who doesn't probably won't enjoy this as much. There is no heavy submission themes or arousal, just me making you dumb so you can fall into trance for me and I can win our game. 

This file is tricky in nature, my goal in making it was to prove that I can talk circles around you until you succumb to what I want you to do. It has heavy emphasis on the process of dumbing down, noticing how all your mental capacities start to give up on you and there is some audience interaction with you babbling your words right out of your head until nothing is left, so make sure you have space for this. There is heavy imagery of you being smart and the stress that comes with that plus an analogy of a tap, dripping your IQ away. This file is a fun time indeed!




This one I cannot wait to taste! ❤️🤤

Lucio Amante

One word : AWESOME! I totally drifted out,can't remember most of it


Thank you I was definitely resisting for a time but my mind gave in after a while and went into pleasant trance state.


Hah. This was actually kind of cool.