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This file is inspired by the class I taught at Charmed 2019 on fractionation. In this file I will fractionate you with numbers. This is also part of my plan to redo some of the classic files from a year ago. 

In this fractionation file I will talk to you about numbers. Starting with a fractionation induction and leading into fun counting games and fast fractionation at the end. This is all based on the class I recently taught at Charmed 2019. 

This is a general file and is perfect for anyone who likes being fractionated both slowly and more quickly. 

This doesn't have any new suggestions, just talking about the notions of numbers going down taking you down and vice versa. This is also used with voice/tone. But it is just dropping you down and bringing you up again, and again, and again. 




Can’t wait to listen! Your fractionation really does a number on my brain, Miss.


Wow... that was really good! Thanks for sharing! :)

Lucio Amante

That was an amazing file, and it reminded me of a project that you had in mind a while back, the 1hour fractionation file, is it still on the board or the project got put aside for the moment?


I’ve put that on a shelf for later on because it would take a lot of work. Maybe I’ll relook at it going into feb?

Lucio Amante

Totally understandable, it was a nice idea but you do have a lot of files on the board to focus so much on such a long file at the moment ^^ Personally speaking , even though I love fractionation I'd prefer 3 different files from the board,with different suggestions and things than a looong one...even though it'd be an amazing mindfuck in the end ^^


That was great. I felt really fractionated after listening to it. I can only imagine what it must have been like for those people experiencing it live at Charmed.