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So, this happened to me today and you know what that’s fine to believe things that you hear when you don’t know me. But for those who do you understand where my loyalties lie.

I will always and have always posted content warnings that have been accurate to what is in the file and even made huge leaps in pushing for higher standards in such things. Most people want brainwashing files so I make them with safeties in mind and with your ability to always be able to live life at the forefront.

This is the last I’m going to talk about this drama because this is actually the same conversation that sparked my relapse into self harm. Because I was so devestated that people have been accusing me of consent violations when I don’t play with people I don’t know and I don’t create content without having to spend hours penning an essay to go with it.

Thank you all for your continued support in this, and I’m sorry for the days drama but before I go to the hotel today I wanted to address this publicly.

XOXO The Secret Subject

Ps. For the record this was the last conversation I had with said ex patron before they accused me of stuff and things.



I would like to tell you that you have made me a much more "normal, whatever that is?" person. I was sexually abused as a child and have never had a orgasm in my entire life and I've had many, many times trying. Today, listening to you on the Patreon page I experienced my very first one. I am 54 years old and I now UNDERSTAND WHAT THE BIG DEAL IS!!!! I'm so happy I almost wept with Joy. I will be forever grateful to you. I have tried other hypnotists and I got nothing out of them. You gave me an absolutely amazing experience that i was blessed with because of how talented you are!I I am a subscriber for life now and will always be grateful for you allowing me to know that I actually can have a normal sex life. Please don't ever doubt all the GOOD you do in this world. I love your other hypnosis files and am so glad I actually joined the Patreon with you in mind.

Quinn Goodall

I know my opinion doesn't count for much, but I say let them go! If they've been a patron for more than 2 minutes, let alone seen anything you've put on YouTube for free, they can see the work you do to note what's in your files. I'm sorry you have to deal with all this BS. I hope it helps to hear you have my patronage as often as I can afford it :) as well as support and friendship insofar as how little you know me.

London Dungeon Keeper

Good riddance to bad rubbish! I love your brainwashing and want to be tempted to go deeper and higher up your tiers of support! Don't get downhearted... your support is growing all the time.


If this person had enabled the ‘allow brainwashing’ feature in the Patreon app settings, this wouldn’t be an issue. I’ve never been able to find that setting in Discord, though.

Barking Alien

Yeah, sorry but if you are having trouble telling the difference between entertainment and reality your issues are yours and need to be addressed by professional help.


I think you not just tag your hypnotic content better than anyone else, but *in the files themselves you also say the majority of the triggers are only active while listening to that specific file to prevent the very thing they are complaining about*. So to me it’s just them blaming a personal problem on you instead of taking responsibility for their own issue.


I only recently started to support you but went through a lot of posts and you ALWAYS have a warning of what exactly it is, what it does and for who it is intended. I have no clue about the Discord thing tough.


You’ve always been very forthcoming about the content of your files. If someone’s having trouble, that’s unfortunate, but it’s not on you. Enjoy Charmed, and focus on the people who understand and appreciate your work.


I will add my support, Miss. You are the most ethical hypnotist I’ve ever tranced to and as such, you’ve done wonders for my positive experiences in this erotic hypnosis world. ❤️


Well thank you for saying that and yea no I don’t do private sessions with people so I don’t have any means of brainwashing anyone without their knowledge nor consent to do so


Which I did say, maybe they should. They came to me in distress a few days ago to say they had lost touch with reality and I suggested they get professional help as that is well beyond my qualifications. But hey I did my best.


Yes he needs some help and there are good hypnotherapists out there who deal with kink related issues but he maybe would be better staying away from hypnosis. Your files are super ethical and well described and tagged to explain the content. You are fantastic and always thinking about how suggestions will be received and ensure the are limited to your session. Take care of your beautiful self and let the odd person who is not in touch with reality get help. You care too deeply about people and what they think of you. Most people care too little. Have lots of fun at Charmed.


I feel bad that you’re having to deal with this and wish that there was something I could say to make it better. If it counts for anything, I’ve found your recordings to be excellent, well labelled, and ethical. I admire the courage it takes to create content in this world considering the inevitability of this type of fallout/drama. I know it’s easier said than done, but don’t let this sour your experience with content creation or ruin your trip. Know that for each person with something negative to say, there are a thousand people who are truly grateful for what you give them. Life is hard, but for many of us, you make it a bit more bearable.

John Doe

Everyone knows how careful you are with content warnings. Don't let the haters get you down! We all love your content! <3

Jamie T

His loss. Keep doing what you're doing.

Jamie T

Or her/their loss. I shouldn't jump to conclusions of course.


You've always been ethical in every step of every aspect I've seen. Some people are going to always be adversely affected by whatever content is put out. Regardless if it's hypnosis, or singing or... whatever the hell it is. Every artist has their critics That said, No one wants to hear that is the case. And I also understand that. The best thing you can do is to continue your absolutely exceptional high standards :D.


I've never felt anything but safe and informed about your files/videos before listening to them.


I love your files because you are so conscientious of your audience. I think the sincerity of how much you care is what I find so compelling in your hypnotism.

Winnie Oriana

Everybody knows this is adult entertainment with a kinky twist. If you don't know that you already should visit a shrink. Not that I'm "blaming" people who need one, just don't lay your problems on the table of someone who you just came across with on You-Tube or Patreon. I just love to be taken on a restfull state following someone elses fantasy's while listening to her voice. Especially when that fantasy is something you fantasise about yourself. Please Miss, keep up your good work.


Thank you so much. And yes you are right and this is what I always tell people, kink is kink, life is for living. You can have both.


Thank you so much and doubly thank you because it was one of the highlights of my day yesterday talking to you. 😊


You have always been up front. It's not your fault they can't/won't read. You have a huge fan base of willing subjects that love your work. Don't let the crack pots drag you down!!!!


I wanted to say this to you at Charmed, but there was no point at which it wouldn't have been awkward: this person is clearly mentally disturbed. You're great at what you do, and as your star rises in the community you may encounter more disturbed people like them. Please don't let them bring you down.


*glee* 🥰 Hopefully, my next Charmed won’t be quite so overwhelming. That way if I see you there I’ll be able to chat with you rather than just blurting my complement then fleeing. :)