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So, I've been spending so much time on these notes for my two solo classes at Charmed and now I don't know what to do with them.

I was thinking one idea could be to make them into a series of special training videos for youtube/patreon once I am qualified (which will be at charmed!!!), but I was also thinking that maybe I would release the notes bit by bit. 

What do you all think?



Videos are cool, but please, for the sake of people being able to have something available as a readily readable reference -- especially those of us with auditory processing difficulties who maybe have trouble keeping track of what's being said in a class long/quickly enough to write our own notes -- please also provide the actual notes as you would've used them to present the class.


I mean, I'd love both, because videos are great tools but sometimes the quick reference of notes is easier. Also there are people who do better with text than audio!


Wish I could join you at charmed. It's an awesome conference.


So I’ve heard! Well don’t worry. I’m going to bring all the fun of my hotel room to you 😊


I attended last year. Can't this year because I just got back from a vacation cruise and need a break. Learned hypnotic trigger, and had all kinds of fun with my ex-boyfriend. Looking forward to hearing about your experiences.