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HypnoBot is back and this time you will be programmed into a robotic maid, mindlessly obeying when someone triggers it. 

In this file you will be transformed and trained into becoming a mindless, robotic maid. You will obey the commands given and be able to complete the tasks you are given by someone. When you are in Maid Mode you will be robotic, move robotically and talk robotically. 

This is for anyone who likes the idea of being a robotic maid, obeying most commands given (of course you have in built safeties) and being conditioned by a robot to be a main-bot. 

In this file the suggestions are that when you are triggered you will be a mindless robot maid, and will obey any suggestions that you are given to complete. Now there are safeties, so if you are asked to do anything that you are not comfortable with you will immediately system reboot and return back to yourself, this way if anyone tries to take advantage of "Maid Mode" you will have a safety system in place. Other than that you will be a maid until you are triggered with the "off switch" or until the suggestions fade because you aren't being used. 



Perfect timing, i was just about to clean my whole apartment bless 🙏

London Dungeon Keeper

Thanks once again for something special... potentially could provide much benefit for many supervisors. Lets pray we live up to our potential s maid bots...