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This was heavily requested after the new file came out so here it is, the downloadable version of the original Obedience Virus file!


Someone on my discord server was talking about text-to-speech hypnosis videos so I thought I would make my own, with a twist...


HypnoBot ready for trance session. That's right in this file you will be tranced by the HypnoBot but warning she's been a bit glitchy lately and finds it hard not to slip into obedience mode. 


This is for anyone who likes the sound of robot voices and obedience or D/s suggestions. This file will have you dominated and controlled by the virus HypnoBot installs in you. 


This file is all about being controlled completely by the virus. Once the virus is fully installed it implants the trigger that anyone with the trigger words (within reason) can control you and you will obey. (Again, within reason). 


London Dungeon Keeper

This is brilliant... its just mind blowing... love it...thank you so very much.


Another one I’m looking forward to sampling!


I love love LOVE this file! Its so easy to just listen and obey! :)